
Showing posts from October 3, 2010

Imaging The Time

I was just imagining something, and I would like to take you on a thought journey with me. Come on. It won't take up too much of your time.  I just want you to just imagine: Imagine that you were given $86,400 a day, every day, for the   rest of your life. Suppose you could receive that amount every day…but with a catch. You have to SPEND it every day. Do you think you could do it?  I can almost hear you say "YEAH BABY !!!  We could probably have some GREAT fun trying!   Just imagine . God gives you 24 hours every day. That’s 1440 minutes a day. Or 86,400 seconds…every day of your life. He makes that deposit in your life daily. But there is a catch: You have to SPEND it…all of it…every day. And guess what? You do…   Just imagine . Time, it is our most precious commodity. Wouldn’t you like to be able to buy back a day…or a week…or better yet a whole year? The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 5, admonishes us to “ be careful how we walk…redeeming the time. (Vs...

A Simple But Successful Life Plan

Living one day at at time.  Enjoying one moment at a time.  Taking one step at a time,  as I journey through the time line of my life line.  For me this works most of the time.  In fact this gives power and freshness to each new day...  Right on time! Be Blessed 2-Day Especially 2-Day Or You might miss something:o) SoJourner