
Showing posts from June 29, 2014

Reverence Or Insanity: Your Choice

True reverence of God is the place where all knowledge begins; However, the insane (morally deficient) person despises God's Wisdom and God's Teaching . Proverbs 1:7   Your Choice I am hoping you will choose rightly   And   Be Blessed 2day Especially 2day.   Through Jesus Holy Name   SoJourner


C E L E B R A T I N G   ! ! !   A DAY FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO CELEBRATE OUR GRANDDAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY! One day early :+}   A DAY TO CELEBRATE THE FREEDOM OF LIVING IN A NATION WHERE PEOPLE ARE FLOODING OUR BORDERS TO COME HERE BECAUSE OF THE WONDERFUL FREEDOMS OF OUR LAND !...   A DAY TO CELEBRATE   ! ! !   FREEDOM FROM FEAR!   FREEDOM OF WORSHIP!   FREEDOM OF SPEECH!   FREEDOM FROM WANT! Bought and Paid For By Our Savior, Jesus, And His Instruments of 1,300,000 military people who paid the ultimate sacrifice AND Others who did serve.     M O S T   I M P O R T A N T L Y: A DAY TO CELEBRATE THAT... "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free..." So that we can "stand firm and NOT Let ourselves ever be burdened by A Yoke of Slavery." Galatians 5:1 Thank You God Almighty Through Christ Jesus The Lord! AMEN! SoJourner         


       The silence among the Christian Community and national leadership is deafening.   Millions of Christians are persecuted world wide, and virtually nothing is being done about it... at all .         Therefore,  I call on the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church, other organized religious leaders, especially the Pope and The Roman Catholic Church, to care for our brothers and sisters enough to speak up and speak out.    I call on The President of The United States to use his "bully pulpit" to expose this.   I call on both houses of The U.S. Congress to pull the "Purse Strings" of our so called allies.         " Christianity has become the world's most persecuted faith" [ICC, 2013].Countries of least religious freedom: North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Burma. See persecution map More Christians were martyred in the 20th century than in all previous centuries combined About 170,000 Christi

H.O.P.E. Filled

H olding                                     O n                                       P romises                                     E ternal   Fills Me To Overflowing Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.   SoJourner


May You Be Encouraged Today: May Your Discouragement Pass Away   May Your Darkness Become Light So That God's Light Lifts You Up And Makes Your Burdens Light   May Your Brokenness And Strife Be Put Back Together May All Of The Pieces Of Your Brokenness Be Healed Today And Forever   May Your Pain Be Processed So That It Is Used To Heal Whatever Injury Needs To Be Addressed. May Your Stress No Longer Be Stress May Your Stress Be God's Vehicle By Which You Are Blessed.     Today... Especially Today Through Jesus Christ Our Lord AMEN!     SoJourner                       


As you think, so you will be. Ancient Wisdom teaches this (Proverbs 23:7 KJV) , as does quantum physics & neurological research (Aka science.)   So take time out to think about how you think about what you think about, and you will have more freedom to influence how your life will turn out .   It's best, me thinks, to begin with God, through JESUS, who will help you be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:1-2.) This allows for you to put the pain of the past behind so that you can become an entirely new person. ( 2 Corinthians 5:17)   SoJourner