God -- Jesus -- I AM God, in the Old Testament, describes Himself as I AM, when He told Moses what to call Him, as Moses began his obedient journey to deliver Israel from bondage to slavery. In the New Testament, Jesus, the one who delivers us from slavery to sin and death, describes Himself as I AM as well. Here are 7 times Jesus did so, and I include, briefly, what each means: The Seven I AM Statements of Jesus Since Jesus tells us who HE is, will you feed on Him by faith? Will you let Him light up your life? Will you walk through the door, that is Jesus, in order to experience eternal life? Will you walk in the resurrection power HE gives to all who believe? And will you be a part of that victorious day when He raises us up from our Graves. Will you follow Him, as the one who wishes to be your good Shepherd to Shepherd you through life? Will you follow Him as the ONLY way to God, walk in The Truth and receive full eternal life only J...