GOD’S Will: Beautiful Feet
Check Out Your Feet Have you looked at the human foot lately? Have you looked at your own feet lately? If you do, and you would describe your feet, would you say they are "beautiful?" I don't think so. I certainly know that, of all parts of the human anatomy, feet do not rate as #1 on the beauty scale, at least they do not rank so highly to me, myself and I; yet, check out what God says in Isaiah 52:7. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, and who brings good news about what is actually good, that publishes salvation, that says, God Almighty Reigns! How God Looks At Where Your Feet Are Taking You Did you get this? God is stating clearly how He views the person whose journey is focused on doing God's will . He is bragging about that person's "feet" taking them on a journey with a five prong purpose: God loves your walk when your walk has, as it's priority, the importance of bringing good news....