
Showing posts from July 26, 2015

The Gospel According To Isaiah.

Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our law breaking, bruised for our pre-meditated sins.  His punishment that brought us peace was placed on him, and by his stripes we are healed .      Well here is another of my favorite scriptures that is definitely good news. Straight from the Prophet Isaiah's mouth, he talks about what would happen to the Messiah.  Hundreds of years later all of what  is described in this scripture happened to Jesus. He was indeed wounded.  Didn't Thomas examine  those wounds in Jesus body before he (Thomas)  would believe? When Herod's crowd beat upon Jesus, he most assuredly was bruised.  Jesus was without a doubt punished and the whip lashing Jesus' back most definitely left stripes on his back. It really is interesting how this was foretold hundreds of years before it happened, and yet it happened down to the very smallest detail ... ad...

Freedom Thinking #3: Don't Lie To Yourself

Freedom Thinking 3# Identifying The A.N.T.s That Really Sting. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free -- Jesus John 8:32. The truth of God's word is designed to help us think about those things that are holy and healthy.  According to Jesus, the word of God, which he called "the word of truth" in his John 17 prayer, is just that. When we believe the truth it sets us free.  When we let all kinds of negative thoughts permeate our minds, however, then we get into trouble. Once again, thanks and a tip of the hat to Dr. Daniel Amen, MD for some very compelling insights. Here are nine different ways that your thoughts lie to you to make situations out to be worse than they really are. Think of these nine ways as different species or types of ANTs (automatic negative thoughts). When you can identify the type of ANT, you begin to take away the power it has over you. Let's call these RED A.N.T.s  because these ANTs are p...