
Showing posts from June 11, 2017


God is love : 1 John 4:8 S O   W H A T   ? Back in the day, when I was half (or even younger) my present age, a wise old man told me - regarding communicating a message- that the end result of the message should satisfy the answer to a very important  two word question:   So What? I think he was and is still correct today.  It's fairly clear to me that all too many Preachers preach and or pontificate. They take up a lot of people's time with the expression of their verbiage, and what they say means absolutely N.O.T.H.I.N.G to those listening. Why? Because their message simply does not actually make a difference in the life of the person who is listening. So, they bore the listener who walks away with very little of anything to help them authentically live life. I think this true of the statement "God is love." Many pew sitting, hand raising, solem worshipping, pentecostal like praise worshipping or any other kind of "church goer," may be touched...

A Healthy/Holy God View For Wounded Christ-Followers

Who Is God to His Children A Christ Follower's Perspective & Healthy/Holy View of God Many people of faith have an unhealthy (unholy) view of God that hinders their ability to know God. It also causes a resistance within them to turn from their brokenness and sin toward God.  Below is a holy/healthy view of God that I have found helps those traumatized in life. And it helps those who are lost or feel lost to rewrite the bad scripts in their head and heart. It also helps so them pick up their "broken pieces" so they can find and experience more fully solid freedom in Christ. Look these passages up. Make them personal to yourself. Read the scriptures out loud. Reflect on what God is saying to you. I sincerely believe that you will be glad you did. God IS Love.  1 John 4:8 God loves ME!  1 John 4:9-10   John 3:16-18 God demonstrates Love to those who will turn to Him and receive it from him: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 God makes a covenant with us that ...