God is love : 1 John 4:8 S O W H A T ? Back in the day, when I was half (or even younger) my present age, a wise old man told me - regarding communicating a message- that the end result of the message should satisfy the answer to a very important two word question: So What? I think he was and is still correct today. It's fairly clear to me that all too many Preachers preach and or pontificate. They take up a lot of people's time with the expression of their verbiage, and what they say means absolutely N.O.T.H.I.N.G to those listening. Why? Because their message simply does not actually make a difference in the life of the person who is listening. So, they bore the listener who walks away with very little of anything to help them authentically live life. I think this true of the statement "God is love." Many pew sitting, hand raising, solem worshipping, pentecostal like praise worshipping or any other kind of "church goer," may be touched...