Who's Your Daddy?
Our Father Who Is In Heaven. Matthew 6:9b FIVE IMPORTANT WORDS The five words written above in our scripture speak about the ultimate Father. Hopefully, you know Him. But maybe you don't. He is the Father who looked out upon the planet He created, and though He was not surprised, He saw human beings walking away from the most important relationship of their lives. He saw way too many deciding to break His law and spurn His life giving truth. Or, at the very least, decide they do not have any need of Him; therefore, they became dead to Him. No, He didn't want them dead to Him, but by choice, they did so. Breaking God's law is sin, and the "wages of sin is death..." (Romans 6:23a.) This death equals the ultimate breaking of the absolute most important intimate relationship. This spiritual death is the worst possible death of all. I say this because God no longer becomes -- or is -- the Daddy, Papa or Spiritual Parent who resides in heaven ...