
Showing posts from August 25, 2013

The Word Of God: God's Breath

All scripture is God breathed. 2 Timothy 3:16   The so-called "higher critics" will laugh at what I am about to say, but after years of considering their "higher" criticisms, I have concluded that it simply does not work when you can philosophy about the Holy Christian Scriptures until they have virtually no importance compared to what God clearly intended through His Word. Now to the discussion at hand:   Paul is talking to Timothy, and he is saying God breathes the Word.  That seems to be a good thing because, whenever and wherever the Holy Word talks about breathing,  something or someone comes to life... real life.    God's breath is a life giving thing: God breathed into "man" (defined in one Genesis Scripture as male and female) the breath of life, and "man" "became."  "Man" did not stay the same, but was impacted positively and forever becoming a "living soul."  There are other places where...