The Word Of God: God's Breath
All scripture is God breathed.
2 Timothy 3:16
The so-called "higher critics" will laugh at what I am about to say, but after years of considering their "higher" criticisms, I have concluded that it simply does not work when you can philosophy about the Holy Christian Scriptures until they have virtually no importance compared to what God clearly intended through His Word. Now to the discussion at hand:
Paul is talking to Timothy, and he is saying God breathes the Word. That seems to be a good thing because, whenever and wherever the Holy Word talks about breathing, something or someone comes to life... real life.
God's breath is a life giving thing: God breathed into "man" (defined in one Genesis Scripture as male and female) the breath of life, and "man" "became." "Man" did not stay the same, but was impacted positively and forever becoming a "living soul." There are other places where we see some very good stuff happening when God breathes, and one of them is right here in this phrase from 2 Timothy 3:16. God breathes the Word on us and it is profitable. Yup! there is a profit in diving into the Word and just sitting "there" with it for a while. It is profitable to sit still with the Word, breathe deeply and breathe slowly and don't get in a hurry.
Why? I will tell you why. Just keep on reading ( 2 Timothy 3:16-7) and you will see it is profitable to give us God's doctrine. That is we receive the profit of understanding what God wants us to know. It is also profitable for reproof. In other words it is profitable to tell us what God wants us to stop. Read on and you will see that it is profitable for correction. That it is a profitable way for God helping us correct our course so we can stay on the holy/healthy course God plans for us. Then it is profitable because it instructs us with the wisdom to make right choices or healthy choices. It is profitable to teach us right and wrong from God's point of view. Then it is profitable to perfect us or mature us or thoroughly furnish us with what we need to truly live.
So take some time to inhale and exhale God's Word. Let God breathe on you. Try out any portion of the Holy Christian Scriptures. See what happens; for example just breathe in and out slowly "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want." And do this for several minutes as you breath in and out slowly. Let God breath this into you. Or try "He restores my soul." Again, breath in slowly and out slowly, and as you reflect on God restoring your soul, experience the restoration first hand.
Do This And
Be Blessed 2day
Especially 2day
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