Stepping Stones For Victorius Christ Centered Living #16 Praying Jesus's Way
In my life, I have observed people praying publicly, and many have done so with long flowing poetic words that sounded beautiful, but it sort of felt like these folks were trying to impress all the folks around them; however, based on Jesus teachings, this is not the kind of praying God expects. In Luke 18:9-14, Jesus compares two folks who were praying. One was a religious leader who exemplified just what I mentioned. The other was a man who simply bowed his head, beat upon his chest, and cried out to God in a 7 word prayer: "God be merciful unto me a sinner" Of the two prayers, Jesus said God heard only the short prayer. Even the Lord's Prayer, which is shown above, is a very short prayer, but it is one about which Jesus said, "This is how you should pray." In this Stepping Stones blog, I want to describe 5 S's upon which Jesus bases His praying: 1. S for Secret: He tells us to go into our closets to pray: Matthew 6:6-7 And what is done in secret...