Don't Swerve But HOPE During Your Most Challenging Days
God has given me two acrostics for the word "hope" or H.O.P.E. In this blog, I use H old O n P romises E ternal. And, during Advent, we are encouraged to focus on our God given hope; for example, Hebrews 10:23 highlights just how important this is. In fact, the writer is talking about Christ Followers hoping unswervingly to this hope. We are to be resolute in our hope. Hope needs to be a really high priority in our lives if we are going to live the full lives Jesus, the Christ, wants us to experience. Why? Because The Almighty God, who gives us His promises, is faithful. He is full of integrity. And integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking; therefore, no matter what, God will, indeed, keep the promises mentioned in the context of this verse. S E V E N H E A V E N L Y H O P E F I L L E D P RO M I S E S F O R Y O U We are promised we have eternal rede...