
Showing posts from June 14, 2009

Journeying Toward Centeredness.

Getting Centered is one of the best experiences of any one's life who is aware he/she is on a journey. Even if you are not aware you are on a journey, it is still   a very good experience. And if you do not realize you are journeying, you are missing out.  When a person does not take time to center, he/she risks becoming susceptible to the "business experience."  The mind has to have something going: TV, Radio, IPOD ,Twitter, Facebook , email, and other web stuff that keeps us up to date with stuff that, while enjoyable, may be counterfeit for the power of just being.  Even entertainment becomes god like. All can be exciting, as you see, hear, smell, taste and touch a whole lot of stuff.  But in "experiencing" mainly the superfluous and temporary, we have difficulty hearing and knowing what is eternally important... not to mention spiritually fulfilling and enlightening for the soul. There are levels of this centeredness ; for example,  We can be centered by ju...