
Showing posts from January 27, 2013

Ways To Build A Holy Conscience In Your Child And You

Number One   Building a Healthy/Holy Conscience in a child, and in yourself for that matter, is one of the  most (if not the single most) challenging parental attempted achievements of your life... especially given the current state of our culture.   Closely related to this challenge, is the fact that Holy/Healthy Conscience building is extremely important. Why?  Because doing so prepares a child to live and truly live .  It also prepares them to journey through "The Valley of The Shadow of Death" in a spiritual way that gives them strength not possessed by others who do not possess spiritual strength.   Keep in mind, it is best to teach what you teach to yourself, and it is best to model what is described by you as important .  Just saying your teaching is important doesn't demonstrate what is really important.  In other words, if you leave this highly spiritual endeavor to an institution like The Chu...

The Appointment

I am a people watcher, and I have watched people journey through life, but they all go to the same appointment. I have seen people from every kind of social strata, and they all found their way to the same appointment. I have observed people of every kind of shape, size and somatic being; yet they too all went to (or go to) the same appointment.  Some of these folks are happy and or down right joyful. While others are regular old "sour pusses."  Again... you guessed it... they ALL go to the same appointment.  I have traveled to lands located around the world, where multiple languages are spoken and where people grow up in different cultures.  BUT all have one thing in common... they go to the same appointment. I know people from different religions and different genders.  Yup! you guessed it... they go to the appointment at  one time or the other.   I could keep this up until there is no more "up" to keep.  Here is the point about the primar...


The Kingdom Of God Juxtaposed To The World System Kingdom Rules/Liberating Limits I Do not worship any other god than the one true God. All other gods are false gods.   II Do not make idols or images in the form of God. An idol can be anything (or anyone) you worship by giving it more importance than God. If something (or someone) has your time, attention and affections, it has your worship. It could be an idol in your life. III    Do not treat God's name lightly or with disrespect. Because of God's importance, his name is always to be spoken of with honor. IV Dedicate or set aside a regular day each week for Sabbath rest and worship of the Lord .   V Give honor to your father and mother,  IN The Lord  by treating them with respect and obedience . VI Do not deliberately murder a fellow human being.   VII    Do not have sexual relations with anyone other than your spouse. God f...

God's Immense Patience With Us

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance :   Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners —of whom I am the worst.   But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that In Me , The worst of sinners,    Christ Jesus might display His immense patience  as an example for those who would believe in Him   And receive eternal life! "   – 1 Timothy 1:15-16 (NIV)   SoJourner