Hurricane Helene: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People

The Conference & Hurricane

Just a few days ago, the Global Methodist Church met in it's inaugural General Conference.  I viewed it by live streaming, and I can tell you it was a great time of joy, celebration and the building of a brand new faith community! The Holy Spirit moved in a very special way during everyday of the General Conference. This was a mountain top experience. Such a spiritual high as this would long be remembered by all who attended.


As the conference was coming to a close, and as these folks returned home, a Hurricane hit Florida, then Georgia, Then South Carolina, Then North Carolina! And the devastation was as bad as any hurricane destruction ever recorded! All over, people were dying, being stranded, and left without food or water! Bridges were washed out! Mud slides occurred! Communication was wiped out! Loved ones were frightened for one another because they could not get back to each other! Nor could they let each other know how they were doing! The toll of all that is happening is still not established! For those coming back from the spiritual high, they ran head  on into the valley of the shadow of death along with all the others.

So Why?

Now, this devastation might have hit some criminals; however, millions were fairly decent people or good people. This begs the question: Why do bad things happen to good people? Many people of faith might answer, "I don't know, but I believe their is a reason for everything. God always has a reason." And I guess this is partially true. Even so, God is very explicit in His answer to this question:

And we know that God works in all things for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

God, through the Apostle Paul, explains part of the answer: God is working during any situation, as Paul says, "We know."  And we know that God works in all situations for the good of those who love God. This is not for every person, but according to God's Word, it is for those who are in love with God. And it is for all those who follow God's calling for His purpose for these God loving peoples lives.  Again, these are godly, and good, people.  But we still don't have the reason here. And that is because this is only half the story. Most people love Romans 8:28, and they see it as a blessing, but they struggle to figure out what God means for "good."  The answer is in the next verse 29.

For those whom He foreknew, He for ordained to be formed into the image of Christ that He might be the first born among many brothers and sisters. 

The Good God Causes Out of Calamity or Whatever

Here you have it:  God takes control because God IS IN CONTROL! He already knew what was going to happen in advance, and God knew you in advance of the difficult times. But because you know Jesus, and He knows you,  He preplans for you, by His grace, to be made into, what we called in the southeastern U S,  "the spitting image" of your big brother Jesus. In other words, no matter what happens to you -- good, bad, happy, difficult, challenging or sad -- God really loves you! God is using it all to form you into the image Jesus.

God has the plan for His people, and this is a part of the plan. As you try to make sense of all this, embrace these promises that are described in Romans 8:28-29. Assimilate them into your life, and God will make you the new creation He has promised you will become! You will be more like Jesus, if you let God mold you as pottery in His hands. Thanks be to God.

God Bless You,



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