The Body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts. 
1 Corinthians. 12a

When I see what I  have seen, 
When I remember where I have been,
it makes me see that I am indeed a very bless-ed man, 
even when I don't like what sometimes happens...
or  seems to be "The Plan." 

Each one of us is an important part of the whole.
 But without our part, the foundation of "the greater" risks being an event that crumbles,
at least when each one does NOT carry their load.

So I guess it is important you identify your gifts.
And once you identify them, pitch in...

Give someone a lift.
Help things become "win-win."
Without such a work ethic
no one ever wins.

If you fail to lift what is yours to lift.
If you fail to give away what is given to you...
Then brokeness will happen in the lives of the one
who is a part of THE all...

Not only will you be broken but others might
even stumble.
THEY might even fall.

See?  It is important to know that you matter
as a matter of fact.
Its simply a part of your journey... a part of your life's track.

You are indeed
an important part of God's plan.
So give what God has given to you... to your 
woman or your fellow man.

Its amazing what will happen when we carry our part
 from the very start.

And its amazing if we carry it again and again.
For when we repetitiously fulfill our role to the end...
It is then we are able to fully fulfill 
God's Plan.

You REALLY Matter!

Be Blessed 2-day ... Especially 2-day



  1. I love you and you make so much of what I am able to do possible. We make a great team and I am blessed to have your love and support.

  2. I love you, and the feeling is mutual :o)


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