Heart Talk
Those who read my blog know that I have been absent a bit from the blogosphere. Seems like my ticker decided it needed some help to keep on ticking; so I found myself in Lakeland Regional Hospital getting some adjustments made so that my heart will be more like an Ever Ready Bunny or a clicking ticking Timex Watch. Some of you all remember Timex??? Don't you? "The watch that takes a licking and keeps on ticking." Well my heart has been taking a licking, and by the grace and power of my loving Creator God, whose Son is Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I am still here.
God also used a human team of medical professionals to expedite the process, and I thank God for them... especially for the 4th floor Nursing Staff and Clinical Support Staff. Also the SICU folks had to be heaven sent. Chaplain Lynne really helped me make some tough decisions. Then there was one Respiratory Therapist who gave me a CD she recorded. Such a blessing was and is this staff.
I was blessed and still am being blessed by all the support I receive and am receiving from all over.This definitely includes prayer support: I am especially blessed to have a wife who loves me and who walked with me every step of the way, and she still is walking with me. I am especially blessed when my children (includes the spouses) show expressions of love and support... one of them went way out of her comfort zone when things got "iffy." I cannot tell you how blessed I am to have the most wonderful grandchildren in the world (Sure you think I am biased :+) Children are small for just a little while, and that part of life passes so fast; however, then those grandchildren come along, and you are smart enough to appreciate each stage of their growth. Receiving cards, letters, and other gifts are wonderful, but there is NOTHING like a gift from a grandchild they made all by themselves.
Speaking of grandkids, we got to enjoy (via Face Book) our #1 Grandson and #1Granddaughter's trip throughout the country. Plus even received some electronic hugs and kisses from them. Then joy continued as we saw younger grandchildren come visit. Such joy fills an old man's heart when he sees those kids on a swing set they, until they got here, did not know existed. Our little man told us that it was "Awesome!" It just makes me chuckle to see one of them crawl through the doggie door to get outside. Our little lady tried the swing first. What joy. Watching them and seeing all these 3 being so loved by their parents (Godly People themselves) its a blessing to my heart that this man cannot describe. TLOML and I are so truly blessed.
Brothers and sisters, friends and cousins from Alabama called or checked on me via Face Book, and two of my sister's came all the way by car from Alabama and rented a motel room to visit me in the hospital and in Memory House.
Friends and fellow Clergy really stepped up for me: Their visits, their smiles, their calls, their cutting my grass at home and the list goes on and on. We are truly blessed to have such precious people in our lives.
Many times people, who seek to follow God, experience difficult challenges, that we do not understand. They come as a normal part of the journey. Satan does not like you to enjoy the journey. NEVER forget God loves you more than your mere human mind can imagine. You may find yourself, as did I recently, frightened and feeling alone. You are not alone. You may not understand what is going on, but you can carry own knowing that God will carry you through. That's what I am learning through this.
Many times people, who seek to follow God, experience difficult challenges, that we do not understand. They come as a normal part of the journey. Satan does not like you to enjoy the journey. NEVER forget God loves you more than your mere human mind can imagine. You may find yourself, as did I recently, frightened and feeling alone. You are not alone. You may not understand what is going on, but you can carry own knowing that God will carry you through. That's what I am learning through this.
Well I am getting to the place I need to stop writing.
Y'all Be Blessed Today
Especially Today
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