The First Promise Of Satan's Ultimate Defeat.
Back "In The Beginning."
In the beginning, when God created all that is, everything was "good." Anything that God created, He stated multiple times as being good. He even once said "very good." Adam and Eve actually had a good thing going with the Creator. And things were rolling along nicely until Satan/The Serpent was able to get humanity to not appreciate all the good stuff: And these ancestral types decided they knew better than the ONE who made everything good for them. They actually had as perfect, or as good, a relationship that any humans could have with The Almighty.
Nevertheless this wonderful creation wasn't good enough for them. They had to go for one more thing. And what is so weird about their choice is that God told them they would have some very serious consequences if they chose that one thing. Eve was tricked by the snake, which we now know as Satan or the Devil. But that wasn't enough. Adam also joined her in her sin or in her violation of the will of God. All kinds of things that were NOT good began to happen. A multipart curse came. Death came. Pain and suffering came. Awareness of sinfulness came. Paradise was lost, and their was hell to pay.
But God Already Had A Plan: Setting The Snake Straight
No matter what the humans did, God was, and is, still in control. He was already ready for the fall of human kind. Satan didn't see it coming. God had a plan that was going to condemn the Serpent, or defeat Satan, who really must have thought he was way to cool for God. God had a plan which would involve God the Son. The Savior, who is the "seed of woman" was promised, and it wasn't a pretty picture being painted for the evil one. Check this out. Listen to God setting the snake straight:
Genesis 3:14-15
Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild.
You will crawl on your belly, groveling in the dust as long as you live.
And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring
and her offspring.
He will strike your head and you will strike his heal.
There you have it: Man blew it. Woman blew it. Satan really blew it. BUT God worked EVERYTHING out according to THE PLAN, and He started as early as the earliest chapters of recorded history bringing everything into conformity with the purpose of His will. Death came. Suffering came. Separation from God came, but God is the final decider. And He decided to defeat Satan and promise THE PLAN.
The Unconditional Love With One Condition
Now, this promise, and all that happened when Jesus came to be the Savior of the entire world, is the result of God's unconditional love. Jesus giving up heaven to become a human, to live a sin less life, in a human body, and to live as the Son of Man AND The Son of God, is definitely a part of THE Plan. To demonstrate His Unconditional love, by suffering, and bleeding and dying on a Cross, and then rising from the dead was made, unconditionally, for all who would come to Him; however, God has placed ONE condition in place. See if you can find it in the following scripture.
John 3:16-18
For God so loved the world that He gave His only biological Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world -- through Him -- might be saved. Those who believe in Him are NOT condemned. But those who do NOT believe are condemned already because they have not believed in the name of His son.
Yep! The defeat of Satan is unconditionally planned, bought and paid, for by all that Jesus unconditionally accomplished: however, to benefit, we must yield our lives to Jesus who stomped all over Satan and defeated Him. Paul explains the one condition this way.
Philippians 2:9-11
God has highly exalted Him, and given Him a name that is above all names.
That at the name of Jesus every knew shall bow - above the earth, below the earth, and on the earth - and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
to the Glory of God.
Like Adam and Eve ...
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