HELPING VETS & Helping You Have A Healthy Spirituality Part TWO

Before reading this blog entry, be sure to read the previous "part one."

   So how do we begin to help a Vet, others who have been traumatized or, even you the reader, begin to gain a healthy spirituality.  A beginning would be to help the person re-frame who God is to them.  I call this  spiritual cognitive behavior.  Let's replace the "unholy" unhealthy scripts (scriptures) in an individuals soul with more "holy" or healthy scripts (Scriptures)
  First let's mention a few of the views of God a traumatized person might have
  1.  God is not dependable.  God just let's things happen no matter what the consequences.
  2.  God to this person could be viewed as  unkind, uncaring and unreliable.
  3.  It would be difficult for a traumatized person to see God as "love."  
  4. God certainly would not be someone that would care about the individual or keep the individual safe.  
  5. God might be considered a being who abandons "you." 
  6. And God would in no way be intimate.    
  7. A traumatized person may not view God as someone to turn to for strength and hope.
  8. God certainly would not be viewed as a life giving God.  
  9. The traumatized person may be angry at God.
  10. Or the person may have not particular emotion when thinking of God. May be numb.
  11. Finally, it would be easy for a traumatized person to be agnostic or atheistic in his/her spirituality, but not necessarily so.  
Again, these are  a few of the "scripts" or scriptures a person may carry around in their head regarding God.  

With what can they be replaced? This brings us to the second point (or new script/scriptures) that may be used in helping the traumatized person "renew their minds" so that she/he can bring more life or balance to their present state.  Once the person gets to the place they are ready to consider a new way of thinking, I have offered the following scripts of God with a good deal of success:  The God I offer is:
  1. God is Love:  I have the person read this over and over 1 John 4:8
  2. God Loves "me." John 3:16-17  Again the person repeats this over and over denying anything else is true.
  3. God demonstrates what love really is.  The identifying script is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a.  Since God is love He acts in the way that LOVE would act because  God and love are one in the same.  So the traumatized person begins to rewrite how God relates to her/him.
  4. God secures me.  Again the individual is given a hopeful script to repeat and incorporate into their lives.  There are many but the one I use is 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.
  5. God saves me.  There are many but the particular one I use is Ephesians 2:8-9
  6. God forgives me:  1 John 1:9 and Hebrews 9:12
  7. God transforms me.  Hebrews 10:15-18
  8. God makes me better and better at living through good and bad times: Multiple scripts are used including  Ephesians 2:10, 1 Corinthians 15:10, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 2 Corinthians 5:17.
  9. God cleanses my conscience from ALL guilt and shame:  Hebrews 10:21-22
  10. God strengthens me if I "wait" on Him.  Remember "wait" can mean be still and wait in prayer or  it can mean "wait on tables" or serve others.  Isaiah 40:29-31
  11.  God looks at me in very positive ways: Hebrews 10:14, Colossians 1:21-23, Colossians 2:10-11.
  12. Last but not least God looks at me as if I am a chosen adopted child whom he never blames but counts me as  completely blameless.  Ephesian 1:4-5
Keep in mind the person must be ready for the new "scripts" or progress will be very slow getting the person to a place of spiritual homeostasis or balance.  But if they are indeed ready, anyone using this technique of spiritual transformation will be pleased with the positive impact on the persons life.

Remember it is important to hear the persons story and learn about their spirituality.  If the spirituality is painful and contributes to their dysfunctional (lost) living, a new way can be offered.  If the person is willing to participate in renewing his/her spiritual mind through this spiritually transformational tool, a good way to help them heal is to help them locate the new scripts and have them write each one on a three by five card.  Then have them simply announce the new script out loud (in a private place) and renounce any contrary unhealthy (painful)  feelings or thoughts that may arise when they state the new script.  Repetitive announcing and renouncing tend to change the persons "stinking thinking" to a more healthy view that gives this freedom and balance in their life.  I have tried this and proved this a number of times, and anyone reading this may use this to help others as well as yourself.

Be Blessed 2day.  Especially 2day.


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