Intimacy With God #4: The Awesome Thinker.

Psalm 139:17-18

17.  How precious to me are your thoughts -- O God?
Have vast is the sum of them?
18.  Were I to count them, they would outnumber
the grains of sand.
When I awake, I am still with you.

Just Thinking

I was just thinking one day about these two verses of scripture, and I was wondering to myself, "Self what is God saying to His people, in these verses, especially regarding how up close and personal with us He really is?"  Now I am a curious sort of guy; therefore,  I began to break it down. Check this out: God thinks about you, and He thinks about me. When you love someone, that is one important thing you do ... you think about them a lot. Your thoughts are not simply any old thoughts. They are precious thoughts. And God is communicating this clearly.  Also, when you love someone, who is important to you, those thoughts are thoughts you think continually.   

This leads us to hearing  God say, "Not only are my thoughts about you precious, the sum of those thoughts are vast." That is to say, they are extensive and of a great quantity. So, I ask, "How vast? How extensive? How can you quantify all the thoughts God preciously thinks about us?   Check out how God describes the quantity: He says, if I "were to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand."  When I first read this I wanted to say, "WOW!"  And I was wowed because I could not imagine counting all the grains of sand on the beach; however, I was thinking way to small!  God is not saying that these thoughts would outnumber the grains of sand... not on the beach! He is talking about all the grains of sand in the entire universe! God is saying HE thinks humongously big! If it were possible to count them, they would outnumber ALL grains of sand! He is not limiting it to the grains of sand potentially counted on the beach.

Beach Trip And  A Tea Spoon.

Well,  since I was living in Central Florida at the time, I decided to go on a trip to the beautiful white beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. And I took with me my trusty teaspoon. Yup! That's correct. I took a teaspoon... or 1/3 of a tablespoon. Once I arrived, I stooped down and scooped up a whole teaspoon of beautiful white sand.  I licked the tip of my index finger, and I put it in the sand on the teaspoon, and I attempted to count it. I wiped the sand off, and I did this repeatedly. One thing I realized: I was not going to complete the count of even one teaspoon full of sand ... NO NOT ONE. 

Nevertheless, through the eyes of faith, the Psalmist, David, grasped a vision of ONE who is truly "awesome."  He understood that God was intimate in ways the human mind could not, and cannot, grasp it. He thought about us. He thinks about us, and He will think about us in precious ways using quadrillions of thoughts about you, me, and all of the human beings who make up the human race. Truly God is the only one who is AWESOME! God's thoughts about you, me and all humanity are indeed "VAST!"

It's sort of like you have to be in a dream, and you have to "awaken" to even envision such an visionary view,  of the true and living God, who thinks about you all the time. Why? The answer is simple: Because you are precious to Him. Yes, I realize some who read this feel alone and lonely; however, I can only hope you can grasp this, which is hard to take hold of, but it is entirely true. God is intimate with you, and you will experience this intimacy, if you simply surrender to Him, and abide with Him. He will abide with you ... every second of every minute of every hour of every single day.

Experience the pure thoughtfulness of the God of Heaven and Earth, through Jesus who is The Christ. He is the ONE who who wants you to experience Him. Be intimate with God. For He is already intimate with you. You are always on His mind.

In Jesus Name.



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