A Day When God Laughs Or Scoffs: Bad News. Good News.

 The ONE enthroned in Heaven laughs the Lord Scoffs at them!
Psalm 2: 4

The Feeling Jesus

One of my favorite pictures that I have is the one that is called, "The Laughing Jesus." I love it because it has Jesus on a boat, and it shows him holding on to some nets in His right hand, as He looks me right in my eyes, as  He laughs with Joy! It's kind of how I think He was being when He performed His first miracle, at the prodding of His mother, Mary, at a wedding celebration. Yes, Jesus first miracle actually was one to keep the party going. 

However, this is only one indicator Jesus really feels things: We see Him laughing. We see He wept when His best friend died.  We see He cried over Jerusalem. We see Him so sorrowful He felt like dying. Or as the King James Versions says, He was "sorrowful unto death." A Prophet said of Him, "He is a man of sorrows acquainted with grief." This would indicate He felt ALL the stages of grief. In another place, we observe Him feeling rejected, as He asked His Father, "Why did you forsake me?"  And last of all, but not least of all, we see Him angry at the religious leaders for cheating the poor and for turning His temple, intended for sacred worship, into a store. This is probably the most shocking of all because His righteous anger was demonstrated by swinging a whip, kicking over tables and scattering money everywhere! And while we may think of Jesus laughing, for very great reasons, anger was indeed appropriate when rebellion against God, and His law, was being perpetuated by mere mortals against God and His people.

But Laughing or Scoffing?

So, what could possibly make the one "enthroned in Heaven" laugh at His humans?  As you read this passage,  what could possibly make God scoff at them?  Check out all of Psalm 2, and then let's chat a bit:  First, the nations are in rebellion against Him, as well as His Son. Second, they actually conspire against God.  Third, they don't want to live as God wants them to live. They don't want His Son to be Lord, and they don't want to live the life style God wants for them, even if God knows what will truly give life, health and hope. Fourth, they don't even seem to want to consider the greatness of God's liberating limits that order life. The want to throw off the chains of God's Ten Commandments. They want to be the "Captains of their own fates." Fifth, they wish to worship the creature, rather than worship The Creator, as Paul explains in Romans 1; therefore, rather than experience the "joy in heaven" over even one of them coming to God, they are determined to live their lives on their deceived terms. Theirs are lives where they proclaim "I did it my way!" So, they are going have an experience of being sinners in the hands of an angry God, and they don't have a clue what is coming.

They Sound A Lot Like Some of Our Leaders

Many of our leaders resemble such people: As I wrote about in Rock Solid Living In A Quicksand World - Rewind. Jesus tells us to "WATCH OUT for them! Yes, He wants us to be REALLY aware of them and their ways. I really believe He warns us about Nancy, Chuck, AOC, Bernie, The Squad, Kamala and Joe. Why would I say this? Let me explain. He calls them, "false prophets" who look good, and they say the right things to the people to gain power and get what they want. Jesus says of them, "By their fruits you will know them." In other words, pay attention to what they do, and  not just what they say.  Presidential Candidate Joe Biden has 47 plus years of actions to observe. Add to it some of the others, and you are approaching a track record of 150 years. So why not check out who they are and what they do?

Who Are They? What Are They Like?

There are others besides the ones I mentioned. They are politicians, preachers, medical folks, news media and just general folks, that the Communist call "useful idiots," that they can manipulate to gain and maintain power. Some of these are citizens who are easily duped by the propaganda of what is called "The Mainstream Media." They are also easily influenced by the free stuff offered that is paid for with taxpayers money. These people have a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. God, to some of them, is any god you choose. One of their gods is the U.S. Government. They will say something like,  "All you need is faith.  Just believe," but they don't truly believe it is the Son of God, who is the way the truth and the life.  Their idolatrous lives, additionally,  make gods of themselves. God's name can be used, anyway they want, to get what they want. As a matter of fact, their Democratic Convention actually had their people leaving "God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance, when it was convenient. Some of them simply did not want to use the name of God. So, they didn't. Also,  they laugh at people like Christ-Followers. They mock people who "Cling to their God, guns and religion." For all too many of these folks, weekly worship, or a sabbath, is only an occasional experience. Some, like Nancy, attend, but they support the most heinous activity, like the barbaric practice of late term abortion. This is the total opposite of the doctrines of her Catholic faith. Anyone voting for them is guilty of the same sins.  Disrespect, or dishonoring parents, is a daily practice for all too many of them, while they pontificate the very thing they don't practice, from the pulpit. They want you to live by their words but not their actions. Jesus had real difficulty with people like these. You remember how angry He got at them, don't you? Indeed, Jesus connected better with the "sinners," of His time on earth, than He did with leaders who told people what to do, but they themselves didn't abide by what they urged others to do.  

They Have Blood On Their Hands!

Let me caution the reader this part is hard to hear, but it is the truth: Additionally, these Democrat run states and cities, with the support of VP Biden and Senator Harris,  have blood on their hands, as they politically make possible the literal ripping of preborn human beings -- one limb at a time -- from their mothers wombs, and then they crush the skull to get the head out. Sometimes they inject the veins, and arteries, with a saline salt solution, and this burns the baby alive. Then it aborts. Or at the time of birth, they breach the baby, and they pull it out feet first face down. They do this until the brain stem can be reached. Then they cut it. This sends fire to brain and kills the  baby. They have made these abortions possible 63,000,000 plus times since this blood bath was legalized by Roe V. Wade.

Bloody Examples of Saying But Not Doing

Here are examples of saying one thing but doing another just to remain in power: They say "Black Lives Matter" but they make possible the slaughter, via abortion, of 20,000,000 preborn black humans. And they do so via the organization Margaret Sanger started to rid us of the black race. Today we call it "Planned Parenthood." They cloak all this is in sanitized language that they call reproductive rights. The cities, run by the Democrats for decades, have thousands of black on black murders! During President Obama and Presidential Candidate Biden's  tenure, in Obama's hometown, Chicago, 4,000 + blacks were shot to death by other blacks. The former President and former Vice President,  were silent, and allowed the blood letting happen daily. Even little children are being shot to death on their watch, in these Democratic led cities,  and they do nothing about it! Their streets flow with human blood!   Still they stay in power, and they  continue to rebel against God. They have an organization they are support: This Black Lives Matter Movement is nothing of the kind. It is run by avowed Marxists who are clear on what they want to happen. Their other  Marist group, Antifa, is violently destroying city after city, and they are led by these socialist/marxist. And Marxism is a bloody anti-God anti-Christ philosophy of secular humanism where government is god. One of their adherents actually said on national news, "If we don't get what we want, we will burn it down to the ground." Marxism/Communism/Socialism has murdered millions, and many of the ones killed were people who expressed, and do express,  faith in God. 

The Trash Heap

I could continue with many more of the liberating limits, of God's Ten Commandments, that they have redefined and thrown into the trash heap of history: Sexual immorality they have made into a civil right, as they try to also redefine family and even gender, as they put children at risk, and as they destroy girls sports. Taking from the rich to give to the poor - to make themselves powerful and rich - is a socialistic covetous theft of wealth that they use, which has destroyed nations and empowered a few. They are the few.  Bearing false witness, or spewing venomous lies, against innocent people, is propagated via their leftist pravda like news media. Indeed, these so called "progressives," who are actually regressive, really have set themselves to not receive God's love mercy and grace. It's not that God doesn't wish to offer it. He does offer grace,  but since each of them view themselves as a god in their own "right," they want none of what God graciously offers,  as they conspire against God, and the things of God. But they are setting themselves up to find God laughing at the wee little people they are. They are nothing compared to the Almighty. Reading this may be hard for you, fellow Christ -Follower, but their arrogance and ignorance  moves the Creator to literally make Himself laugh AT these microscopic subatomic  particles of creation.  If they continue, if you continue,  they or you will bring God's judgement.

Good Gospel News! This Is Not What God Wants ...

This is not God's preference.  He calls them, He calls you and anyone going down this deceived path of rebellion,  to repent before it is too late.  Indeed, in Psalm 2: 10-12, God does continue with a harsh warning, but God ends with an offer of blessing and refuge. The New Testament also declares this when it says, "God is not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)  That is why Isaiah spoke of Jesus, God's Son,  when he said, "He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. His punishment brought us peace ..." (Isaiah 53:5) Yes indeed, Jesus took our punishment; however, sin, breaking God's law, has consequences. It's just like humanities law. Break it, and there are consequences. Their is punishment; however, God calls each to find the refuge and life that He offers. Let me say this again! Jesus took the punishment, now  if they, or you,  repent, or if they, or you, admit sorrow for rebellion and conspiring. The Son of God will bless and give salvation/refuge to all who sincerely come to Him. 

How you experience God relies on how you respond to Him today, through His Son, Jesus. It depends on you. Will you elect to turn from the path of death to God's path of life. Elections have consequences. What you elect to do, and how you decide, has consequences as well. Elect to do the right thing, don't rebel against God or have anything to do with supporting the people who propagate the culture of death: Choose life! Choose to turn from condemnation to life in Christ Jesus. Humble yourself before God's Son, and walk eternally with God.




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