Standing On A Freedom Soap Box

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD!  
Psalm 33:12

I am wondering and want to ask some questions:  Why are "Muslim"  countries  identified as Muslim, by our religious/political left,  when they have a 80% plus of Muslims adherents in their country? I am thinking of the largest so called "Muslim" nation, Indonesia. Yet Indonesia has 26,000,000 Christians living there.

How is it that our religious left and political left say the U.S. is NOT a Christian country when   83% claim Christianity (Protestant and Catholic) as their own religion? Yet we only have 4 % other religions, according to a recent ABC poll?  And our founders were clearly Christian.

These leftist want to deny our Jewish and Christian heritage. Christianity clearly has its roots in Judaism, and we (except for the left), are highly supportive our our Jewish brothers and sisters and the nation of Israel.  All reputable studies show this.  

We respect Muslims as well.  We fought a war in the 90s ending Muslin genocide in Bosnia Herzegovina. We stopped the slaughter of 300,000 Muslims who were terrorized in Iraq by Sadaam Hussein, his sons and their cronies. Today it struggles to stand on its own a free Muslim nation.  And even though we have been terrorized by Muslim Extremist, there is NO attack against Islam in America... but The USA is at war with the Islamic fascist extremist who hate us because our religion, wealth,  freedoms and (oh yes) our support of Israel. 

Again, we do respect other people in other religions as well. Here are a couple of personal examples:  First,  shortly after 911 occurred, a good friend of mine, and a Muslim First Sergeant, asked me to help him locate places of worship in Tampa for some of the 78 Muslim nations represented in CENTCOM village.  In The Air Force, part of the Chaplains job is to be sure every person or group has the freedom to worship according to the dictates of their own hearts.  I attempted to begin the process of helping  my First Shirt, but the Muslims in CENTCOM village did not respond because "They are afraid of you, Chaplain."  I asked, "Why?"  His answer, "Because in their country they would kill people like you."  My response to this is "We are NOT in their country and we do not kill people who disagree with what we believe in America." Second, where I serve now we provide an Islamic Prayer room for adherents to Islam.  Yet our population of Muslims is way below 1%. 

To be sure, many Americans do not act Christian:  And since the Secular Humanistic forces (combined with our leftist religious philosophers)  did a way with prayer and Bible reading in our school systems, our modern day Secular Humanist Madrases have had what they would consider successes:  They have successfully silenced many Churches and made them fortresses behind closed doors. They have replaced the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule with the insane manipulative problem of Political Correctness.  And this has generated many anti-Christian and Christos-phobic behavioral patterns rampant in our nation today. This has resulted in broken people, broken families and empty lives. 

I am rather tired of that which has been valued and validated by thousands of years of ancient western wisdom and culture being denied and or denigrated. Revisionist history (taught in our modernist secular humanist madrases) frankly is leaving me cold.  Double standard left leaning evaluations are just wrong. And I am weary of there being one set of values for those who are Christos-phobic  (who call those who disagree with them bigots of phobics) and another for those who are Christ Followers who respect others because the golden rule is our guide.

I want America to be a blessed nation! I want my children and grand children to have the same blessings I have had and more!  I see them slipping away for them.  I claim the LORD as the LORD of our nation! HE is the one from whom our blessings come!  The LORD GOD is the one who grants us "certain unalienable rights" which include "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness!"  AND I want you and me to be...

Blessed 2-day ... Especially 2-day



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