Honoring God Having Plenty
Honor the Lord with your wealth...
With the first fruit of all your crops;
then your barns will be overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine.
The Wisdom Writer: Proverbs 3:9-10
Back in the day when TLOML and I were starting out, we had very little. Actually we were down right poor. We qualified for food stamps and other government subsistence. By the way, we did not take it. We simply did not feel right doing so; however, we served the Lord, and we took Him seriously: We honored Him with our meager wealth. We tithed as the Bible discusses in the Old Testament, as Jesus talked about in the Gospels and even as the writer of Hebrews discussed when he talked about how Abraham tithed to the Great High Priest of God.
Guess what? God blessed us, and as we grew in God's wisdom, knowledge and understanding, we continued to give Him the first part of our wealth. The few times we had crops, we made all kinds of fruits and vegetables available to other people as if giving to God. We have been together now for nearly 46 years, and God has abundantly blessed us way beyond our wildest expectations. So we continue to follow His guidance and all that He tells us in the word. We learned Jesus said more about money and such than just about any other topic. I will tell you this. The wisdom writer who wrote Proverbs 3:9-10 was and is right.
Now before you start saying "Yeah Right!" Before you tell me I am preaching the prosperity gospel, I want you to now I am not. I am about taking God seriously. Sowing seeds into His kingdom. And then living by faith to watch God do what God is going to do while resting in him.
You may be afraid to try this spiritual practice. Well, that would be unwise; however, God in his mercy, might just encourage you to begin with the first one percent and see what happens. Then, in time, give two percent giving to the Kingdom. Continue to give the increase until you arrive at 10% giving or more. Experience has taught me you will never be able to out give God. It's like sowing seeds in a garden and harvesting hundreds of fold more. So why not practice this ancient practice and bless God's kingdom and expect to harvest your own blessings yourself as well.
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