Life As An Adventure And Great Journey

Trust in the Lord with all you heart
and don't lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
Wisdom Writer: Proverbs 3:5-5

Trust may not come easy for some; however, it is key to living a viable life.  On the one hand, a walk that is not a faith walk is an unbalanced stumbling journey.  On the other hand,  trusting in the Lord with all our hearts has a way of changing our lives in ways that cannot be imagined by the nonspiritual human heart. 

However, when we faith walk with God, we just might get outside of our comforts zones.  When we faith walk, it might be just a bit scary. When we faith walk, we are doing more than walking by the mere sight supplied by our eyes. So, it's imperative that we cling to what God's ancient and eternal wisdom, as revealed in His Word, teaches us. This is far better than resting the weight of our being on our limited human understanding. The wisdom God provides is far superior to our mere restricted  or finite view of creation and life.

How do we walk all this out? First, as we say, we trust Him. We walk by faith and not by sight.  Second,  we view our own way of looking at things as far too limited to be our primary security; therefore, third, we simply speak with God about our journey. Or we acknowledge Him.  We ask for His leadership, guidance and direction.  It is then God takes over and straightens out the road before us. He takes us by the hand, spiritually speaking, and helps us down "the road." 

Try this out.  See if it works.  I know it works for me. I find this to make life an adventure and a great journey.



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