It "Ain't" Climate Change Y'all


Until Approximately 100 Years Ago:

When the USA was in it's infancy, the founders, contrary to the revisionist history of modern day "historians," were definitely largely adherents to the Judeo Christian heritage.  The majority of which, were guided by the Bible, the teachings of Jesus, and they held to "The Ten Commandments "  as God's moral code for right way living; additionally, it is clear,  from our founding documents, they believed God was actively involved in the journey of human beings; for example, we read that "We are endowed, by our Creator, with certain unalienable rights."  God, they believed, gave us rights that couldn't be taken away. (That's what unalienable means.) These include  "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." 

Americans were, and until about a hundred years ago, followed the same precepts as did our founders. Then, Classical Christian Education first began being removed from our educational system. Up to that time, people were taught about God ,the Bible, and even about The Son of God and The Holy Spirit in school. We actually had Christmas Holiday breaks and Easter breaks. By the 1960s, the Bible, the Church influence, and teaching about God were "legally" removed from School. Secular humanist religion began infecting every level of school. And the immoral morality of this religion began flooding our culture.  The following represents the Ten Counterfeit Commandments of the invasive secular religion taking over our nation via The Public School System.


1. Worship any god: The Universe, The Climate, New Age, Any "truth."
2. Worship the creature not The Creator: Environmental Religion Is Government Powered.
3. Misuse the name of The God of the Bible is okay to make a point.
4. Worship weekly worship of God unnecessary. Worship at Altar of "Climate Change."
5. Dad & Mom don't have Parental Rights.
6. Murder of innocence in womb is ok.
7. Sexual immorality is ok.
8. Stealing ok. Give the criminal mercy 🥺 
9. Lie enough and people believe the lie is truth.
10. Covet: They have, I want. So, give me my share.

Nation's Foundations Crumbling:

** This counterfeit code of ethics has completely supplanted God's code of ethics. And the nation's foundations are crumbling because of such action: Families are falling apart and being redefined. The education system is is serious trouble as it is led by The Department of Education's sinful top down influence. Religious institutions have abandoned their rich heritage and losing members by the millions. The News Media has become a propaganda arm of one wing of the government. The Government is falling apart.  Arts and entertainment are in decline and yield, for the most part, negative influence. The Military is corrupt to the core, and it won't be long, if this doesn't change, we will be losing wars, as evidence by or Afghanistan withdrawal. Our Business Sector is in disarray. Our Political machinery is not trusted, by millions of people, to provide fair and free elections. And Social Media has been proven to be anti freedom of expression.

The Abandonment of God's Will and Way Brings Judgement.

Now, all kinds of weird things seem to be happening, and the modernist/globalist are saying these calamities are coming because of humans are contributing to climate change with devastating consequences. They are entirely wrong. We abandoned God; therefore, He removes His blessings. We have rejected God, His Word, His Law, His Will, His Way: Guess what? We reap what we sow. Just as God decided to Judge the Israel, that He loves, for walking away from Him, we are now facing His judgement for also walking away from Him. But because of His love He gives us a way out.  It ain't climate change, It's God beginning to hold us accountable; nevertheless, God is offering us a way out.

Check out the scripture at the top of this blog: Most people, even Christ Followers, like to post only verse 14; however, it is vital to understand why we need 2 Chronicles 7:14, and that is in verse 13, which people conveniently leave out.

You see, it is in verse 13, God declares that He is the one behind all the environmental upheaval. He is the one causing the weird behavior of even His smallest, but potentially deadly, creatures. He is the one behind all the sickness.  What? Yes read verse 13 prayerfully and carefully. It is the way the God of love is seeking to speak loudly and clearly to get us to go back from where we came. And the remedy is spelled out for getting back to His blessings. It's the remedy He gave to Israel. the remedy is found in verse 14.

1. His people whom He calls by His name are called to serious action:
2. We are to humble ourselves before God. Turn from the sin to The True and Living God.
3. We are to pray.
4. We are to be serious about praying. We are to seek His face.  That's really praying "hard."
5. We are to turn from Secular Humanism, Environmentalism, New Age & False Religions.
6. We are to turn from following this counterfeit satanic moral code. From our wickedness.
7. Then God will hear from Heaven.
8. Then God will forgive every sin.
9. Then, and only then, will God heal this land. His Judgement will be withheld. 
10 Because it's not "Climate Change." It's God's Judgment offering  Love & Forgiveness.

It "Ain't" Climate Change, Y'all.
Hopefully, our generation will figure this out before it's too late.



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