Finding God's Wisdom As You make Tough Choices
If any of you lack wisdom, simply ask God for it.
God will provide it generously to all who ask.
He will not be upset because you ask for it.
God will abundantly give wisdom to you.
James 1:5
Tough Choices:
If you are reading this today, I am fairly certain that, in your life, there have been times you have had to make some trough choices. Sadly, all too many make these choices without any Heavenly, or Spiritual, guidance or insight. Such limited decision making could lead to some very difficult -- even painful -- outcomes. There is no reason for this to happen, especially when God has the plan that will empower you to walk in His Wisdom.
You may say, "Well, I really lack wisdom." This may be true; however, the remedy for lacking wisdom is spelled out in the ancient wisdom of James 1:5. God simply says, "Do you want wisdom? Ask for it! Contrary to what many believe, it does NOT displease God to answer a prayer to receive wisdom. In fact, I have learned it gives God great pleasure when we do so. God loves to give wisdom to His adopted children. He gets a kick out of giving wisdom to you and to me.
The Big Three + ONE
According to the inspiration of The Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul, there are three really big gifts that come, from The Holy Spirit, that God wants us to have: They are Faith, Hope and Love, with Love being the greatest of them all. (Read the "Love Chapter" of the Bible for the details. I am talking about 1 Corinthians 13.) Even though these are "The BIG Three," wisdom is right up there with them close by. God allowed the writing of some of this wisdom in "wisdom" literature of The Book of Proverbs, and elsewhere to make this abundantly clear. Indeed, the whole Holy Bible is jam packed with God's own ancient wisdom. Please understand. Just as Almighty God wants you and me to have "the big three," He, likewise, wants us to be permeated with His wisdom, through His Son, Jesus, by the Power of The Holy Spirit!
The Liar
In John 8:44, Jesus says of the Devil, "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is NO truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar, and the father of ALL lies." Yes, the devil lies about just about everything: And one BIG treasure trove of lies he tries to get communicated to God's children is "God is annoyed when you ask for wisdom. He will actually belittle you and think ill of you, if you ask Him, you foolish human! Why can't you be wise enough, on your own, to figure life out?" Therefore, guilt, shame and anxiety take over because people, sometimes, believe these lies.
In actuality, God will lavish wisdom on us if we ask for it in single minded faith. God will, indeed, answer your wisdom prayer, and my wisdom prayer, with a GREAT BIG "YES!" Once a person gets this wonderful affirmation from the Creator, of truly experiencing God pouring His wisdom into our lives, it will be life changing!!!
The Challenge
Our challenge today is to actually believe what God has to say about granting wisdom. If we lack wisdom, He only wants us to ask for it. He will not get ticked off because we ask. He will give it to us "liberally." He will give us more wisdom that we could ever imagine or deserve.
Your Tough Choices
I don't know what tough choices you are facing today: Your choices could be spiritual. They could be regarding emotional issues. Grief may be flooding your life. Your could be going through some really challenging relationship issues that you don't know how to resolve. With all the inflation facing our devolving nation, you may need wisdom making financial decisions. Or you may be facing physical issues: The aging process is not treating you well. You may be in physical pain. You may be chronically fatigued. You may have Heart Disease, Cancer, or any other DIS-eases. I don't know, but I do know that God knows, and that is really what is important for Christ Followers to know: Let God help you help yourself. Ask for whatever, but PLEASE consider asking God for wisdom! I really think you will be glad you did.