R.E.S.T: Becoming
Rock-solid Eternal Spirituality Today: BECOMING
Psalm 127:1 Amplified
Unless the Lord builds the house, anyone attempting to build it their way, in their strength, using only their mere human skill, is really wasting God’s, and their, time trying to build it. It won’t happen. If the Lord is not, Himself, guarding it, and protecting it, and people try to be the guards, they will fail miserably.
In my life, I have learned the importance of abiding in Christ, and He in me. Jesus describes this relationship, with Him, as being like a branch that is a part of a vine. The branch absolutely cannot be alive, nor can it produce fruit, apart from the vine. Therefore, Jesus strongly declares absolute truth: “Apart from me you can do NO-thing!”
Something to Consider
Consider this, in light of building a home, a life, a relationship, a family, a church, a nation or a culture: Based on the Jesus “Vineyard Principle” above, and the emphatic, and emperative, teaching of Psalm 127: 1, it’s no wonder there are so many broken homes, dysfunctional relationships, torn up families and dying churches, that simply won’t grow. It’s no wonder our nation is dying, and its foundations are crumbling. Finally, it’s not surprising our civilization is coming apart at the seams, where right is considered wrong, and wrong is considered right.
Only through life, in Christ, and ONLY through cooperating with God’s plan, can we have life, be healthy/holy, and grow. Only as we surrender to God’s will, God’s Word and God’s way, as we allow HIM control, can we truly be full of life, bear His fruit and grow. Anything else results in selfishness, brokeness failure, corruption and death.
Think about it.
Think about it: God wants life for us! God wants holiness for us! God wants wholeness for us! God wants us to be fruitful! Yes! He really wants us to succeed! And He wants us to grow! His will can be done in us , if we let Him do the building, of us, and if we let Him build through us, as we surrender and “become,” according to His will and His way!
The Miracles of Grace
The miracles of grace, that produce eternal growing fruit, will occur IF we let go, and we let God be in control, as we abide, or remain, in Jesus and He in us. All the attempts at controlling things by developing plans, programs, and procedures, without taking up the Cross and following Him will never succeed.
Do You Want To “Become?”
Now You Know How To Begin?
Or do you want to keep doing the same dysfunctional thing, repeatedly and expect a different result.
God leaves the choice to you: He leaves, before you the ability to choose death or life. CHOOSE LIFE!
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