"It Is Finished!"

Three Powerful Planet Changing Words 

These are three words that settled the absolute single most important Eternal matter: After sacrificing His body and blood, and after God making Him -- Jesus -- to be sin for us, even though He had never sinned, that we might become the very righteousness of Christ, Jesus declared victory! Yep! He declared victory with his very last dying breath!

He paid the ultimate price as He laid down His life for His friends. That's you and me, people! And when He said, “It IS Finished,”
 God Almighty settled it: It was finished!

Make Jesus truly your Lord and Savior. Turn from your brokenness, lostness and the sin that is destroying your life. Turn to Jesus, and ask Him to forgive you for all your sins. Ask Him to help you. Ask Him to deliver you,  and He will forgive you, and He will transform you. He will deliver you.  He will make you a new creation:
 Then you can R.E.S.T:

You can experience authentic …

Rock-solid Eternal Spirituality Today!



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