The Deadly Amnesia of Forgetting Part of God's Will In The 21st Century
Live To Please God
Finally, dear brothers and sisters,
we urge you, in the name of the Lord Jesus,
to live in a way that pleases God, as we have taught:
You live this way already, and we encourage you to do so even more.
For you remember what we taught you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.
God's will is for you to be holy; therefore,
stay away from sexual sin. Then each of you will control your own body
and live in holiness and honor -- not in lustful passion -- like pagans who do NOT
know God and His ways.
1 Thessalonians 4:1-5
It Matters To God:
First, I would like to say that I have listened to more than one Pastor, Preacher or Clergy, when talking about sinning say, "I really messed up." Then they follow with, "But God understands." This sends a chill up my spine to hear someone who leads others, and whom these people admire, just be so cavalier about such things. Holiness seems of little importance for such individuals as these.
Secondly, I also know of leaders in churches who visit pornographic sites with regularity. Rather than addressing this unholy and unhealthy lifestyle head on with repentance, confession, getting help, and surrender, so that God can transform them, I hear them say, "Well, everybody sins." They then keep their little secret from their spouse and their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Or they share it with their brothers in Christ privately, but no one actually holds them accountable, nor does anything about it. These brothers, in church authority, continue to allow them to be leaders. And these sad broken slaves to sin, continue to walk on their quicksand foundation, as they go on their way. They not only occasionally sin, but habitually sin. It's as if God's promise of making them a new creation, is not a part of their lives, and it is not important to them. It seems they too believe "God understands. It seems to be no big deal" to them.
The Wink And A Nod:
Entire denominations give a wink and a nod to people who are shacking up, and they have no covenant marital relationship that they made before God. And they sanitize their sin by calling it "cohabitation;" yet, God calls this fornication (non-marital sex.) God also says that people who live this lifestyle of habitual sin, "Will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
Such relationships tend to devolve, according to multiple studies in numerous cultures, 70 % of the time. These too seem to feel, "God understands," as all too many children are born and wasted in the wake of their hedonistic lifestyles.
The Land Mind:
I cannot avoid the land mind of sexual immorality God calls homosexuality: Modern folks sanitize the language and call it "Gay." This has been taken to an extreme where such behavior is declared a civil right and not an enslaving sin, where the one who is enslaved by this sin, is a victim to bondage to sin and death. Thousands have been saved out of this slavery to sin, but the cultural militant ones, who are gradually gaining control of the power levers of our society, are doing everything to silence any voices of hope that will help such enslaved people.
Government - Some Churches Verses Life Changing Transformation
Sadly, churches all across America, and around the world, champion the cause of "Gay Pride," and do nothing to help such people to become free. Simply being available to help people to lead transformed lives, as thousands have done, in some states, is frowned on by way to many government officials, as well as Catholic, United Methodist, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Unitarians and other church leaders. And this vitally important "Conversion Therapy" is being codified into law as a crime. Church leaders and others say, "It's okay to be Gay!" "God understands! God loves everyone!" And I say, God does love everyone! God But God loves us enough to make us new creations! (2 Cor. 5:17 -21!) God loves us enough to break the chains of sin and death, and God loves us enough to not let us remain in slavery to sin in order to make us "FREE Indeed." Jesus came to set us free from being a slave to sin, and it's eternal consequences! (John 8:31-36) Jesus didn't come to give a license to sin, but to liberate us from its power!
Catholic Priests - Boy Scout Leaders - "Equality"
We can't forget the carnage of damaged children left in the wake of Catholic Priests, and Homosexual/Pedophile Scouting leaders. Pedophiles in the Priesthood, and homosexual/pedophile Boy Scout Gay leaders, were put in positions of authority over children. And they were put in their positions of leadership, and protected by their ordination vows. Or they were placed there because cultural elites demanded so called "equality" for "Gay" men, to lead Boy Scout troops! It's mind numbing that such stupidity left young boys and girls unnecessarily vulnerable! Sexual sins of these, as Paul would call -- "Pagan" -- men, ruined untold numbers of little boys and girls lives. Yes, people attempted to remedy this, and still are doing so, by law suits through our court system; however, this does NOT heal broken lives.
It is important to repeat this loud and clear: Government and Catholic, and Mainline Protestant Churches propagated, pontificated for, as well as covered up for these men. Indeed, as I said, they did all this in the name of "Equality," and we received a deadly outcome! If we had remembered God calls us to holy living, which God expresses as including sexual purity, this sin filled sexual pandemic, among young children, would have never happened! Such deadly spiritual amnesia had, and has, deadly consequences.
Another Huge Unholy Problem Is On The Horizon and It Is Here.
We are going to have another deadly outcome if we continue the most recent sexual sin against children where we allow them to question their gender rather than guide them wisely. Still, our government leaders, and church leaders continue to propagate this sin against our children.
The Spiritual Intentional Amnesia is Real As Are Its Consequences
Needless to say, it is indeed true, in this 21st Century, a VERY important part of God's will is simply forgotten, willfully ignored and is pushed to the side! Here it is again: "God's will is for you to be holy; therefore, stay away from sexual sin. Then each of you will control your own body, and live in holiness and honor -- not in lustful passion -- like pagans who do not know God's ways."
Nevertheless, even though it is God's will for holy living to be the rule for happy, whole freedom living, which served our culture well, we see glaring examples all around us of actual church people, I didn't say Christ Followers, who are walking along the broad path that leads to eternal death and destruction, which Jesus talked about "In The Sermon on The Mountain." What I wrote about in Rock Solid Living In A Quicksand World - Rewind is happening, and the very foundations of our culture and our nations are crumbling. As I also wrote, Jesus has the answer as He provides us, through his teachings, with "Stepping Stones for Victorious Christ Centered Living."
You Have God's Power To Meet The Daily Challenge!
Take this new day, and live the life that pleases God: He gives you the resurrection power to do so. (Ephesians 1:19-23) People in Paul's day clearly received the power to do so, and we have that same power via God's life giving grace to live breakthrough overcoming lives! (Ephesians 2:10) Live one day at a time! Yes, you may occasionally sin. Acknowledge it! Confess it! Be Forgiven! For heaven sake turn from it -- repent -- and turn to Jesus, by the power of The Holy Spirit, for God's transformational grace to set you FREE!
However, whatever you do, don't excuse sin in your life! Don't be so silly as to think habitual sin is not a dangerously big thing! It is a fact, if you make sin a habit, until it enslaves you (John 8:34) it has the real potential for ruining your life, and for ruining other peoples lives! Let go, and let God set you free to live a holy life! For living holy results in freedom living! Do whatever it takes to turn from bondage to sin and death to The Savior, Jesus! Get HELP! Get Jesus help! God's will is for you to be free, and live a Godly - Holy - Healthy - free life! Let us remember, and let us NEVER FORGET, living holy IS God's will!
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