Seven Things That Are Totally Against God's Will and Detestable To The Creator

 Proverbs 6:16  - 19
There are six things the Lord hates, actually there are seven that are detestable to Him:
Haughty eyes,
lying Tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood.
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness that pours out lies, 
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Today I am returning to our discussion regarding how to know God's will: In this interaction with you all, who are following this ole SoJourner and Christ Follower, I am sharing ancient wisdom, from God's own wisdom writer. It is wisdom that has served the Creator, in guiding His people, for multiple millennia. While we live in a day where people discount the things of God, this does not change God's perspective on right, wrong, good or evil. It does not change the truth.

Here are seven things that go against God's grain of morality. Yes, these are seven things that completely go against God's will.  And God does not provide this to take away people's fun, but God shares this to provide liberating limits for our everyday living. Jesus fulfilled all these teachings, and He fulfills them in us to give us life to the full, or abundant life. If you look at these things, that are against God's will, even detestable to Him, you can see how harmful they can be to any individual, culture or nation. You can see why Jesus would have us walk another way, the narrow way, that leads to life eternal. What are these VII things?

I.  Verse 16a. Haughty Eyes:

This is a person with an elitist  point of view. It is a person who views themselves as more important - or better than - "those people." A modern psychological term that could be helpful is Narcissism. Sadly, this is easy to see in our political class. It can also be seen in much of our left of center academia elites, as they take issue with "the little people,"  who work in the trades, work with their hands, get their hands dirty from honest labor, or with anyone who disagrees with their ivory tower pontifications; additionally, there are people who have spouses, or maybe former spouses, who act in ways as if they are the center of the universe.  God detest such behavior!

II. A Lying Tongue:

Such a person simply does not wish to tell the truth. Much of our news media, and our big tech companies, are among the "haughty eye" population, and they are also among those who cannot handle the truth. I see this happening today, as the new President of the USA made many promises to the people, but he already has backed away from them in alarming ways. His other political ruling elites are also among these who are behaving in ways that God hates. 

III. Hands That Shed Innocent Blood:

This sadly happens all the time. Sixty three million times, and counting, preborn human babies have been ripped from their mothers wombs, one limb at a time, as their blood pours from their bodies. Then the torso is crushed. And then finally the skull is crushed.  Or the preborn human being is filled with a salt saline solution that literally burns the baby alive in the mothers womb.  Even on the due date, there is a "procedure" where the baby is turned in the mothers womb. Feet first, the pre born human is pulled out and turned face down. And before the child is allowed to live outside the womb, scissors cut the spinal cord at the base of the brain. This sends searing hot pain throughout the child's central nervous system, especially the brain, and the child dies. Body parts are then harvested for sale. 

The current President, Vice President, the administration, and the democratic party, via their political platform,  call this the reproductive rights of the woman, while they try to sanitize this horrendous shedding of innocent blood, by changing the language to cover up the wickedness. They are even forcing all American tax payers to fund this by signing executive orders to push abortion on demand throughout the entire planet. 

God sees this as absolutely detestable.  God hates this shedding of innocent blood. Israel sacrificed their babies during ancient times. Eventually, God judged them severely. Anyone, or any people who shed innocent blood will be judged accordingly, unless they repent of this wickedness, turn to Christ for forgiveness, and are saved to serve the true and living God, never to conduct such nefarious behavior ever again. Roe, of the original "Roe verses Wade" court decision, has done so, and she became a champion for saving lives; however, her original action has already done the damage.

I have seen many severely wounded people, who were wounded in terrible ways by the war in which they served; however, my absolute worst memory, is one in which I actually saw the remains of a baby aborted. Even today, I cannot get that image out of my head. But God has been merciful to me. Many women are struggling with Post Abortion Disorder, and have needed to find God's love, mercy and grace to help them discover God's saving grace and sanity, that only God can give, through faith in Jesus.

Jesus tells us that, if anyone hurts little ones, "of his" that it is better for them to have a millstone tied around their necks, and that they be cast in the depths of the sea. Why would even the Son of God have such a strong opinion about such things? Because He is God, and He hates abortion. He hates shedding innocent blood.

IV. A Heart That Devises Wicked Schemes:

God clearly thinks there are things that are wicked; yet, sadly, this word seems to have become less recognizable in the 21st century. What does this word mean? Evil could be a word used instead of wicked. Immoral would be another. Nefarious would also be an accurate description of wicked scheming. Anyone reading this blog would have no problem locating this behavior. As a matter of fact, given what God says is detestable to Him, it would be safe to say that any narcissistic, lying, innocent blood shedding, quick to rush to evil, false witness person who stirs up conflict, is indeed an evil planner.  It's no wonder God hates this behavior.

V.  Feet That Are Quick To Rush To Evil

It's really sad that I continue to point out governmental leadership, political elites, academia and others, but these are the ones who have taken over our education system, as they took prayer and bible reading out of our schools. They are the ones who have shut God's church out of the schools. They are the ones who forbid even praying on the sports fields or from the press box. They are the  ones who developed the Department of Education, which has taken billions of dollars from our local schools, and who have placed the center of gravity of our education system in Washington DC. They are the ones pontificating things that are completely 180 degrees of what the true and living God says provides life.  In doing so, they control much of what goes into our children's brains and lives.  

Now, everything God says is evil they say is good. Abraham Lincoln once said, "The philosophy, of the school room, in one generation, will become the philosophy of the government in the next." He has turned out to be 100% correct. As a matter of fact, the schoolroom philosophy is becoming the lifestyle of the people who are now the next. As a result, we are experiencing a pandemic of "feet that are quick to rush into evil."  Let me repeat this again: God hates this. The Creator hates such ways of living.

VI. A False Witness Who Pours Out Lies

In our country we have seen this abominable behavior front and center for four years. In the United States 40 millions of American dollars were spent, as a Special Counsel bullied numerous innocent people, and lied about them: Some went to jail. Congressman Schiff continually, along with others, bore false witness about how they had hard evidence to convict a sitting President, and then there was zero evidence. 

What makes this different from lying is that, not only were lies told, and they were told repeatedly after swearing, with their hands on the Bible, they were telling the truth.  Congressman Schiff, being Jewish, knows this 9th commandment, but it doesn't mean anything to him to "bear false witness." This may mean little to this man, and his fellow congressmen and to his fellow congresswomen; however, to God it is abhorrent, loathsome, despicable, hated, and detested.

VII. A Person Who Stirs Up Conflict

I heard Rob Immanuel say, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."  He meant that to become powerful, and to come out on top,  getting what you want, use a crisis, or create a crisis, and you will be able to accomplish things that benefit you and your peers. It has worked well for people like former Mayor Immanuel, and others in leadership of our nation. It certainly has worked will for one former Democratic President, as well as the current President and his administration. They feed on crisis, and they really like to use it for their advantage. One day they, and people like them, will stand before God. Yes, they will meet their death appointment, and they will experience God's judgment, just as you and I will. On that day they will learn a very hard lesson. God will make it clear that their behavior was, and still is, reprehensible to God.

Walking In Freedom and Life.

I know this particular blog is more hard hitting than we like.  We like things that make us feel good. I, like you, want to feel good; however, we are living in what the Bible calls "the last days," and Jesus is coming soon. When He comes, one will be taken to be with Him, and one right next to us, will be left behind.  I do hope, as Christ Followers, because we follow Jesus, that we will learn from this truth. That we will turn from committing any of these behaviors that God clearly frowns on. I pray we will be free in Christ, and we walk with Him.  For this is what our God wants for you and me. He wants us to know the truth, and in knowing the truth, He wants us to be free people who walk in freedom, by the Power of The Holy Spirit, as we decide to follow Jesus. Freedom comes when we walk the straight and narrow way that leads to life, and it is lost when we walk the Broadway that includes these seven things that are against God's will. 

How are you walking today?

God Bless You,


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