A Very Blessed Man

Blessed Is The Man
Who does not walk in the counsel of the Wicked
Or stand in the way of sinners,
Or sit in the seat of mockers.

But his delight is in the Law of The Lord.
And on HIS Law, he meditates day and night.

Psalm 1:1

Becoming a truly blessed person, in God's eyes, is simply laid out in this verse. The Lord tells us that a blessed person in a walking person, standing person and sitting person, as well as a delighted person.

The Walking Person 

Interestingly, the walking person is described by how a blessed person does NOT walk: That person does not walk the way the wicked walk. In other words, this person chooses to not walk in immoral ways. He/she does not walk so as to harm anyone.  They do no harm. This one does not walk as someone who is evil would walk. Now I like the word evil for one reason. I like it because it is L-I-V-E spelled backwards. A blessed person does not live in such a way that inhibits the production of life. Wicked living tends to eventually cause a death spiral.

Jesus speaks to us of the source of evil ... the "EVIL One!  You know who I am talking about.  Don't you? I am talking about Satan. And Jesus calls him a thief, when Jesus says, "The thief (the Devil) comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come to give you life that is full! (John 10:10;) therefore a wicked one is a follower of Satan, whether they know it or not. The do kill (ie abortion) steal (share the wealth) and destroy (rioters and violent people.) Blessed people don't resemble this kind of living at all. They don't walk in the way that takes life out of anything. 

The Standing Person

The standing person stands in a particular way. Or I should say they do NOT stand a particular way. They do NOT stand the way sinners stand. When the blessed persons -- the person blessed by God -- takes a stand it is a stand for righteousness or right way living; consequently, they do not make a habit of breaking God's law. As the Apostle John tells us, "Everyone who sins breaks the law; infact, sin is lawlessness." (1 John 3:4)  When we turn from sin to Jesus, and when we take up our crosses to follow Him, we are forgiven of our sins, but something else happens: According to Hebrews 10:15-17, "The Holy Spirit testifies" that God "Puts His laws in their hearts." And then He also testifies, "I will write them on their minds. Then He adds, their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. Indeed, the "Standing Person" is a changed person or transformed and forgiven person. Such a person has power to live Godly, but as Psalm 1:1 says, this blessed person also has the power to choose, by God's grace, to overcome sinful living and live in the right way.  

According to The Almighty, therefore, there is absolutely a right way to take a stand. There is also a wrong way to take a stand. God's blessed person does not stand with godless unholy ways of living. This persons learns the ways of God. This person receives grace to assimilate the law of God in the heart and mind. This person can, consequently, not stand in the way of sinners. And they do so by the grace of God who makes them "New Creations." (2 Corinthians 5:17.)

The Seated Person

"Take a seat!" This is an invitation we are given when it is time to simply sit and become a part of whatever. Once again the blessed person is described by how they do NOT sit. This one does not sit the way "Mockers" sit. In the Bible a mocker is a person who jeers or treats someone with contempt. A mocker is a disagreeable sort of person. Or they can be described an unpleasant person. Jesus experienced continual mocking from the Pharisees, Sadducees as well as teachers of the law. I have seen the President of The United States of America being mocked unmercifully by our Main Stream Media. As 90% of their reporting is negative. Christ Followers are NOT mockers.

Christ Followers (blessed persons) will NOT take a seat in a foram where mocking is the game of the day. Jeering at someone is foreign to women and men of God.  We may disagree with someone, but  God doesn't create us to be disagreeable, as His new creations. Being unpleasant is actually kind of unpleasant for the blessed person. It robs us of love, joy and peace. Let us not sit in a place where people are mocked or are mocking others. Let us take another seat elsewhere.

The Delighted Person

The delighted person is a person who receives great pleasure, or delight, from God's law or God's Word. The ways of God are bless-ed to the blessed person. Such a person finds rest in the Lord. This one is glad in God and God's ways. A blessed delighted person has their heart warmed by God's grace from being intimate with God's law or word. This is so much so that he or she meditates on this law.  And she or he do so consistently, as a spiritual practice. This one meditates, not occasionally, but habitually. They do so day and night. This one prayerfully and carefully spends this time with God.

The Challenge 

Here is a challenge for you:  Be blessed today ... especially today. This is the only day guaranteed you and me. Be blessed by being careful how you walk. Don't walk in the way wicked people walk. Don't walk in ways that take life away. But rather walk in the ways of Jesus that give you and me the power to live abundant, full eternal life living. Do this, as you follow Jesus, and not the ways that are clearly defined by our Creator as evil. Take your stand for living in the right way of living, as God will create you to do, if you follow Christ. Take up your Cross and follow Him, as He transforms you, by forgiving you, and by putting His laws on your heart, and by placing them in your mind. Take your seat with the Lord's people. Avoid being a contentious person by the grace of God. Don't sit where gossip and intentional hurtful ways of being are accepted. Be a delighted person whom God makes delightful. Delight in God's Word, God's law and God's ways. Meditate on these things, habitually, day and night.  You will be glad you did.

God Bless You.



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