First Century Forcaster Accurately Reports 21st Century News
Amazing Accusations
In the First Century, around AD 50, the Apostle Paul did some amazing things. One of those things, of which he was accused, was that he and his band of brothers and sisters "turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6-7 ESV) as the seeds of the gospel they shared spread a bumper crop harvest of souls, throughout the then known world. As a matter of fact, they were reported to have preached the gospel "to every creature under heaven." (Colossians 1:23b.) If you consider they started with only a crowd of about 120 people, doing this had to be a supernatural "God Thing." And Paul was not even at the original prayer meeting.
The Miracle Of Reporting Our Day
Even more amazing is how accurately the Apostle Paul reported what would be happening in our day, and his reporting provides an uncanny resemblance to what is happening on the streets and in the cities of our day. He describes our day, in terms of morality, to a young man that we moderns might call Tim: however, his exact name is Timothy. Check out what he has to say to us long before there was a CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, FNC and a whole list of others:
The Nations Are Falling Apart!
Jesus Is Coming Soon!
The Nations Are Falling Apart!
Jesus Is Coming Soon!
1. "You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times: 2. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3. They will be unloving, unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that! 2 Timothy 3:1-5
Does This Sound Familiar?
As I reflect on the Apostle Paul's reporting, I cannot help but ask, "Does this sound familiary?" And the answer is crystal clear:
- The times will be difficult!
- People will be selfish and greedy!
- Nothing Is Sacred To Them:
- Arrogant Braggards.
- Scoff at God.
- Dishonor their parents!
- Their Behavior is atrocious:
- Unloving
- Unforgiving
- Ungrateful
- Slanderers
- No self control.
- Cruel.
- They hate what is good.
- They betray their friends
- Pride is a priority, even in things about which they should not be proud.
- Pleasure is their god, and God -- and His law -- means nothing to them.
- Irreligiously Religious:
- Some of them act religious, and they go through the motions of religiosity, but they are not tapped in to God nor the power, as demonstrated by all of the above.
Again, I ask "Does this sound familiar?" Look around at all the so called "Mainline" denominations who have decided that the Bible is NOT their rule for life. Look around at all the things they are calling right which God calls unholy and wrong. Look around at all that is happening on our streets, especially in the USA, in mostly the cities led by political leaders who say they are "Democrats" "Liberals" and "Progressive." Yes, all this sounds remarkably familiar.
Why Is Knowing This Important?
For me all this is vitally important: First it is important because it demonstrates just how powerfully accurate are the words of the Ancient Leaders of the early Church and the words of the Holy Bible. They are dead on 100% accurate! Second, these words are important to comfort God's people. I observe the fear, confusions and lack of understanding of Christians on social media, and I am amazed. The words provided us here tell us, LOUD AND CLEAR, that God knew about our time millenia ago, and He told us about it to help us simply trust Him that He is working out God's plan. He is not weeping, wringing His hands, nor is God worrying. He IS IN CONTROL! Third, these words are given to let us know that these happenings occur somewhere around when Jesus returns. This is GOOD NEWS! Fourth this news reporting is to remind ourselves to yield to God daily, and to prepare ourselves to live godly lives by God's power. I am talking about the same power that provides us with the fruit of God's Holy Spirit: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering (unshakeable lives) gentleness, goodness, lives of integrity and self control. Finally, God wants this reporting to remind us to stay away from people described by this news casting. Nothing good will come in participating in such behaviour accept trouble.
Therefore, while many of us watch the news, let us be sure to listen to the news from our Heavenly forcaster, and let us let go and let God live powerfully through us via the Holy Spirit, and let us set healthy boundaries with these whom the Bible calls "ungodly" in Jesus Holy Name. AMEN!
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