The Kingdom Is Coming! Join The Team!

Your Kingdom Come.  Jesus

The Back Story:

Anyone who has read the New Testament knows the word "Kingdom" pops up a lot. Jesus talked about it. John the Baptist talked about it. All of the gospels are filled with this important word. Peter had a few words to say about the Kingdom, as did Paul, and the list goes on and on. As a matter of fact, the word "Kingdom" appears 162 times throughout the New Testament. The Greek word for "Kingdom" is Basileiaand most of the time it is used with Theou...Kingdom of God.  Or it is found as Basileia Ton Ouranon: Kingdom of Heaven. My point is this: Talking about God's Kingdom is a vital and important topic for each Christ Follower to know as much about as possible.

Jesus Throws A Curve:

When we think about Jesus telling us to pray, according to the will of God, "Your Kingdom come," many tend think it may be about Jesus coming back to the earth. And they would be correct. Many would think about Him reigning on the earth. This too is correct. As a matter of fact, one third of the Bible is prophecy, and much of these prophecies are speaking about God, and His Kingdom, coming quite literally. When the Jewish leaders, and the disciples were thinking about it, while Jesus walked planet Earth, much of what they believed,  and discussed, was about the Kingdom; yet, in time they learned that much of what they pontificated was off base.

Jesus threw them a curve, one day, when he said something that caught them off base. Check this out: On one particular day, the Pharisees asked Jesus straight out, "Jesus, when will the Kingdom of God come?" He caught them off guard with His answer. He said, "The coming of the Kingdom of God is  not something that can be observed, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is.' because the Kingdom of God is in your midst." This can also be interpreted "The Kingdom of God is within you." Did you catch this?  He didn't set a date. Nor did He give them a time. He told them The Kingdom is a relationship thing. Yes, Jesus is coming, but we don't know the day or the hour. All the other physical parts of the Kingdom are coming, as well, but we don't know when. However, the Kingdom resides in the midst of those who are God's people. The Kingdom comes to be "Within" people.

So What Are We Praying With These Three Words?

This three word prayer request represents a Kingdom request: We are praying, besides all the prophetic things, for the Lord to come into the hearts and lives of people who do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior. We want Him to enter the lives of our loved ones though His Holy Spirit. We want Him to enter the hearts and lives of our friends, relatives, associates and neighbors.  We are asking for conditions to occur that will allow the Holy Spirit to  convict people they are sinners. We are praying they will be so convinced they will want to turn, from their sins, to Jesus, as Savior. We are praying for the Holy Spirit to draw them. (See why in John 6: 44.) We Christ Followers, personally, have the Kingdom within, and we are in their midst. So, the Spirit, and the Kingdom, are in their midst. It's up to them to open their hearts and lives so that Jesus can come on into their hearts and lives ... so that the Kingdom can come into them personally. It's up to us to pray, and to shine the light into their darkness.

Set Up Your Prayer List

Therefore, here is how you and I can join God's Kingdom building team: It starts with this prayer.  Think of a friend, a relative, an associate and a neighbor. Write their names down on a 3 by 5 index card. Start praying for God's Kingdom to come into their lives to be both in their midst, and in their hearts. Asked the Holy Spirit to convince them of their sins. Asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to them that they will be judged for their sins, if they don't turn from them to ask Jesus to be their Savior. Ask the Holy Spirit to draw them to God, through Jesus. Ask for the Holy Spirit to move, in such a way, that they will ask Jesus into their lives. If God doesn't draw them, they are not likely to come.  P.U.S.H!!! Pray Until Something Happens!

Jesus Knocking At The Door: And Your Prayer Makes A Big Difference.

You see the picture above. You may have seen it many times before. Jesus knocking on the door of someone's heart. He is wanting to enter through the door. He is wanting to have a relationship with the person behind the door. The door has the handle on the inside. Therefore, only one person can open the door. Only one person can let the Kingdom, in their midst & enter their lives.  Of course, it is the person on the other side of the door who must unlock the door and turn the door knob; however, you can make a BIG difference, if you start praying for your friend, relative, associate or neighbor that needs to open the door. You can make a difference if you take seriously Jesus prayer request number three, of what we call "The Lord's Prayer." 

Take The Challenge:

Start getting that friend, relative, associate or neighbor ready today. Get out your personal 3 by 5 prayer card. Write down the names of these four people, and start praying the Kingdom into them ... Today. It may take time. It may not, but keep on praying!

Your will be glad you did.



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