Intimacy With God #3: The God Who Knits Our DNA Together

Psalm 139: 13-16
13. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14. I praise you because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well.
15.  My frame was  not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in you book before one of them came to be.

The Ultimate Intimacy

The ultimate intimacy of all intimacy, where it's clear that God really knew, knows and will know us,  begins with God doing the miraculous! He actually started creating you and me with the first perfect description of DNA, and He wound all our intricate body parts together. As one of the above verses says, God knit us together in our mother's womb. He was fully aware, as we were on purpose "woven together in the secret place ..."  God saw each one of our "unformed" bodies as they were being formed in our mother's wombs This is "awesome" intimacy! This is "wonderful" intimacy. Truly, such intimacy is indeed wonder filled! As God did this fabulous creation of knowing (experiencing) us, it is clear God knew us before we knew us. God knew us before Mom and Dad knew us.

The Great Big Eternal Now

But the intimacy is greater yet: Every single day of our lives were written in God's "book." before one of them came to be. I -- for one -- do NOT think of this as talking about settled predestination, but it is speaking about God's Sovereign and loving awareness. It is where God is not surprised by anything that happens to us. He knows,  all that we have talked about in the other two IWG (Intimacy with God) blogs. It's all bathed in The Divine Parental love God has for His children, as we grow up in Him.  That is why it is so important to choose Him through Jesus.  He is indeed Sovereign, as He allows us to choose freely. 

You see, God views everything from the perspective of what my mentor, Pastor George Creel, calls "the great big eternal now." He can view the past, present and future all at the same time. Or He can view each separately, at the same time. He can do so right now; meanwhile, He has designed you and me perfectly to walk with Him because of His intimate intimacy by which He knit us together ... or put us together.

The Security Of Such An Intimate Relationship

Therefore, no matter what life may hand us. No matter how good things may seem, or how bad they may seem, the ONE who truly knows our entire lives (to the core of our DNA) is not surprised by anything that may happen. And if we are smart enough to choose to walk with Him, daily, through faith in Jesus, the Christ, we have moment by moment opportunities to turn to our Wonderful Counselor, and Almighty God, to see us through. If we would only "Trust in the Lord with ALL our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding, and if we acknowledge Him (Seek His Guidance,) He WILL direct our paths." He Will "Make our paths straight." There is no way to be more intimate, and no way to be more secure.

Be Blessed Today, Especially Today:



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