Seeking The Right Help

The Lord is for me, I will not fear; what can man do to me...?
 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.

Psalm 118:6-8

We live in times when being a Christ Follower can be challenging indeed; however, it's only as challenging as a single choice we make: Do we wish to please God? Or do we wish to please other human beings? The ancient wisdom of the words of this Psalm tell us which is better. It acknowledges that God is for you, and He is for me. Because God has this positive affection for us, and we truly believe this, there is not really much anyone, in the long run, can do to us.  It's best for us to take refuge where refuge will make a difference in us, from here to eternity. It's best to find our hope and safety, our comfort and our strength,in the Lord our God... and no place else.

It's Really Not Hard
It's not hard to figure out why seeking to please a human being, and trusting them, instead of God, is a really bad choice.  Think back throughout your life. Have people, in your life, ALWAYS been folks you can count on?  What is the track record of, for example, our politicians? What is the track record of the millions of people who fill up the bureaucracies  of all the branches of our government? How well do they spend our tax dollars?  How well do all their programs work?  This "god government" that so many want us to put our trust in, how trustworthy has it really been.

What Do You Know?

If, as a Christ Follower, you have truly decided to follow Jesus, I hope that you know that the Lord- our God- is more trustworthy than friends, relatives, associates and or neighbors. He is more trustworthy than a Pastor, a Prophet, a Teacher and and Evangelist. He is more trustworthy than the Pope, the Cardinals, the Archbishops, The Bishops, The Elders and the Deacons.  Name any person, in any position, of any place and time, and I am fairly certain, if you follow Jesus, there is no comparison as to who will cause you to live with life, a full life,  and a life that is free.  Or do you have questions about this?

The BIG Questions

Therefore, I guess the big questions include:  Where are you in all this living out your life? Do you really believe that God is for Y-O-U?  Why? Why not? Who do you put your trust in? Is it the Creator, who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Is the ONE you trust, the Son of God, Jesus, who is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit? Does the Holy Spirit give you the stuff to be enough and the power you need to power through the challenges of life? God certainly helps me, but only you know your heart.

This I know: If you, or I,  fail to take God as our refuge, the fear of what human beings can do to us will take charge of each of our lives. You and I  will do what we must to please people more than God. It will cause us  to do what I call "dance on a pin head" for other significant people, as each seeks to be sure that we look good to others. We will tell others what we think they need to know to get them to do we want them to do. We will try to manipulate circumstances to cause appearances. The end result will be we will become the victim of "cosmetic ministry." So will those to whom we attempt to provide ministry.  Looking good for the short term may serve us well, but  I can assure you that will not be enough for eternity!

My Prayer For Each of Us

My prayer for each of us is that we run to God, through Jesus. That we cry out to Him to form us into the image of Christ. And I pray that we will plant our feet on the solid rock, of Jesus, one day at a time. I pray we trust Him more, revere Him more,  and love Him more because we want to allow Him to be our refuge, our strength and our present help in time of need. Indeed, I pray we will seek the right help, from the right ONE. In Jesus Name. AMEN!

God Bless You


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