The Beginning, Beginner, Do Over God
In The Beginning
GOD Created ...
Genesis 1:1a
Genesis 1:1a
Strange Feeling:
It feels kind of odd, after being gone so long from this blog, to pick up with the first verse of the Bible; however, as I think about where to start over, I feel led to start ... well ... at the beginning. These five words of Genesis 1:1 comfort me. They comfort me because, no matter what happens in life, God is always there ready to help us do what He did at the first, and that is "begin." And, as He began, He created. He created the cosmos, and He even created the way for our ancestral parents to live a complete happy life.
If you are reading this, you know how the story goes: They wanted to live independent of God, and eventually lost the life of paradise. They also started experiencing the first stress related maladies. They became aware of being naked, highly anxious, and panic attack ridden afraid. Why? Because the very thing the True and Living God had warned them about happened. They died. Their spirits died. The lost complete fellowship and even consciousness of God. For it is the spirit that bears witness with the Holy Spirit, and losing the spirit IS death.
The God of Do Overs
However, God didn't give up on them, even though they gave up on God. We find God, in Genesis 3:15, telling us about the plan, of all plans, via the first Messianic promise, It was and is THE plan that would change the death spiral triggered by Adam and Eve's sin. God promised us the first inkling hope of Jesus, and in this promise He spoke of how the evil one would strike His heel, but that the evil would get a severe brain injury, or head trauma, from the one who is to come. It was in this promise we see how God began a new path of beginning. As quickly as humanity screwed up, God had the plan for a do over ... THE plan for new beginnings.
All The Way At The Other End
Now, all the way at the other end of the Bible, we have some more good news. We hear the Lord, saying, "Behold I make ALL things new ..." (See Revelation 21:5) God started out making all things "New." When humanity blew it, He began the way to make all things "New." In the New Testament, Paul tells us, "If anyone is in Christ, HE is a NEW Creation." (2 Corinthians 5:17.) "The old in gone, and the NEW has come!"Finally, we have that bookend in Revelation. In other words, God makes a habit of helping mend the broken or repair the unrepaired. God has a way of holding hope out to you and me when we sincerely want Him to help us. He even holds the help and hope out to us before we decide we want it. Either way, it's more than comforting and exciting to know God's intentions for us, as we journey through life.
So What's Happening With You?
Let's get a little up close and personal: What's going on with you. Are you in need of a do over? Are you in need of some help getting started again? Do you need a new beginning? Has life handed you some pretty tough challenges, and in response, you may have not responded very well? Perhaps you feel like no one cared ... not even God. Wherever you are in all this, it's simply time to start over. As a Christ Follower, it's a golden opportunity to do yourself a HUGE favor! It's time to deny yourself. Take up the Cross and follow Jesus. As you follow Him into the next leg of your journey, you will find yourself receiving all the stuff you need to be enough. It might feel kind of strange hearing this, especially if you are right in the middle of challenging times; however, I'm thinking you will be pleasantly surprised getting in touch with the God of your new beginnings.
Get ready today, and everyday, for a Do Over.
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