From Slavery To Liberty

Slavery to Liberty

     Sadly, slavery has been a part of culture for millenia. Even God's people experienced slavery, and they were made free because of a deliverer, named Moses, accomplished God's will, and He led them out into the wilderness to begin the journey of freedom.  God  gave these slaves all they needed to journey on a head through the "Desert of Sin." (See Exodus 16:1) I find it interesting that this desert has such a name; yet, this seems to point us to the one, Jesus, who will deliver us from the bondage of being committed to Sin (John 8:32) to freedom found only in Jesus. (John 8:36)  Slavery is not God's will, but it comes because of evil, which is l.i.v.e. spelled backwards. At least this is so in the English language. 

While God led His people out of slavering toward liberty, He provided them with liberating limits. That is he gave them standards, by which to live, that would lead them and order their lives. We call these the "Ten Commandments." But I also call this God's will:

How Can I Know The Will Of God?

I cannot tell you how many times I have had people ask me, "Hey will you help me know what is God's will for my life?" I am surprised by this question. You see, the living of life has taught me that God is not in the business of providing such a revelation. I have learned that God works everything out according to THE plan, and He brings everything into conformity with the purpose of His will. (Ephesians 1:11) In other words, God has THE plan that has been His plan long before the creation of the Cosmos. God will reveal His will, but this revelation will be what He wants you to know about how to plug you into THE plan; additionally, God will reveal to you your part in the plan, but He will do so only as you are ready to receive it or can receive it. For example, God didn't tell Moses everything he would face while leading the people. As a matter of fact, originally, all Moses knew, at first, was that he was going to be leading the people out to the wilderness to sacrifice to God.  I doubt Moses could have handled the whole plan that would include him NOT making it into the Promised Land.

Part of The Plan:
The Liberating Limits or God's Will For Each Day You Live.

When God really started interacting with God's people, Israel, He revealed they were special to Him, and that He was making the same covenant with them that began with Abraham. Now, God makes a huge revelation that is an important part of the plan. This Divine revelation would be powerful in ordering their everyday lives. As I said, He calls this "The Ten Commandments." I don't know if you are aware of this, or not, but each commandment expresses clearly God's will for each day of Israel's daily life; however, it more importantly tells YOU and ME God's will for each of our lives -- individually and collectively-- each day that God gives us life.  Yup! God tells us what is right and what is wrong. He actually is leading us in right way living or in righteousness. Follow these liberating limits, and you are doing the will of God. Fail to do them, and you are NOT doing God's will.  Successfully accomplishing each of these is liberating.

How can these ten rules for Holy Living be liberating? Think about it: If everyone agreed on who IS the True and Living God, and laid aside false gods and idols,  would it be liberating? Consider rule #3: If people didn't scream, yell, curse and swear (using God's name disrespectfully) would that not be more pleasant? What if people actually got enough rest, as rule #4 instructs, while they take time to worship and reflect, what would be each one's stress level? Would honoring parents improve the quality of life in a family? (Rule#5) How about rule number six: If people quit murdering, would it be liberating? Consider #7. If people didn't cheat on their spouse, would that be liberating? Would freedom be more close by if, #8, folks wouldn't steal from one another ... or #9, people didn't lie to one another or about one another. Let's look at #10. If you had godliness with contentment, and you didn't long for that which belongs to your neighbor, how would you feel? Well you would, of course. feel content. You get my drift don't you? The problems begin to arise when folks don't understand the importance of these life giving and liberating life limits.

Rest assured in this: All God's commandments are indeed God's will. Memorize them. Assimilate them, as core values into your life. Turn from breaking them to Jesus, and ask His forgiveness for your law breaking, and He will forgive you, and He will empower you to keep His law. Or as Hebrews 10 says, beginning at verse 15, God will "write His laws on your heart, and place them in your mind, and your sins and lawless acts He will remember NO more." That's right. Not only will He forgive you, He will begin to empower you to live as He transforms your heart and your mind to abide by the freedom providing laws of God.

Let the Lord Make You free indeed. Let Him teach your His will through His Word. Learn His Ten Liberating Limits. Trust the Savior, Jesus, to forgive you and transform you as you seek to walk by God's well established will.   If you do this, you will be glad your did.



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