The Immorality of Socialism Thinking: Shining Light Into The Darkness of Infanticide

Socialisms Immorality On Display

I get it. We live in some very strange and unusual times, but let's shine a little light on some of the insanity and darkness of socialism thinking, which is stinking thinking. A number of states are, in  a democratic party depraved fashion, approving the ending of a babies life, up to the due date,  and even after birth.  Yet, there is not a lot of noise coming from the party where Government is the God and the creature is worshipped more than the Creator. Immorality reigns. 

For example, when a Virginian Democratic Governor nonchalantly, and unconscionably, talked about the taking of a babies life, after birth, there was not a peep from any leaders in this democratic party of death. In New York, not only did Democratic Governor Cuomo  sing the praise of the nine month abortion/infanticide bill, that he signed, he--and his Demonic Democratic Cronies -- actually applauded that a baby could be left (or caused to die) after a botched abortion. And they were putting their depravity on full view by whooping and hollering, with glee, even though a Doctor is no longer necessary to be present when an abortion is done. Yup! It's more about wickedly making money than making sure a mother is safe.

Make Up Is Worse For Them

 Yet, these deceived Democrats are up in arms about this same Virginian Governor, and a couple of others, having worn black paint on their faces a little over thirty years ago.  REALLY? How many ways can I describe such horrific immorality? Such a world view is unethical, morally wrong, demonstrative of darkness living devils, evil, unprincipled, unscrupulous, vile, villainous, nefarious, base, unfair, underhanded and devious. However, I am not finished yet: It's sinful, degenerate, debauched, reprobate, perverted, indecent, and licentious. Needless to say there are no words to describe just how amoral, immoral and low down is the character of those who promulgate such policies where black face makeup, applied and photographed decades ago, is more egregious than a brutalized baby being murdered today.

Shine The Light

Please!  Shine the light of God on such insanity.   Let the whole world know what is being done. Save the babies ... who just happen to be human babies.




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