Follow The Leader God's Way: Get A L.I.F.E

Hey Christ Followers!

Check Out Matthew 7:15-23

I am still longing for all who read this blog to get a L.I.F.E, especially when it comes to deciding whom we will follow,  and whom we will choose to lead us.  Jesus is very specific about this, in Matthew 7:15-23, where He warns us that choosing leaders is extremely important, and it is even a life or death situation. That's why He who tells us that He came to give us life and give it in full measure (John 10:10b) clearly wants you and me to win this spiritual "battle" for the good of our families, children, grandchildren, extended family and our nation ... AND for our own present and eternal well being.  Not all those leaders who claim to know the Lord even know Him.  They have NO "fruit" demonstrating they know Him. They are "workers of iniquity, " and He makes it clear that those who follow them will experience the same eternal demise as the "wolves in sheeps clothing." 

Considering all this, let me me share an acrostic for getting a L.I.F.E

Listen in prayer before you go anywhere.

Informed view for God's way to follow through.

Facts not fluff will be more than enough

Eternal view of God's way is what God wants of me and you.

Breaking It All Down


Yes is is important to pray asking God to give you the direction you need regarding those whom you will follow or elect to leadership. At the same time, it is vital you listen to what these people say and pay attention to what they actually do.  Listen to fellow Christ Followers, and I am not talking about listening to nominal "believers" who themselves demonstrate limited followership of Christ.  Listen to what Jesus says about leaders. Please read and re-read Matthew 7:15-23. Please listen to the Holy Spirit as you paraphrase this Jesus followership passage in your own words.  Please, listen to the Wonderful Counselor, via the Holy Spirit, as you ask for guidance in how to practically apply what Jesus is asking you to be. 

Have an Informed View for God's Way Before You Follow Through.

Don't just follow the good looking "hunk" or beautiful perfect figured "Barbie just be cause the look good on camera and sound good. As I have watched this past election,  I was amazed how the pro abortion, Socialist leaning and  secular humanist portrayed themselves as being sort of  "conservative" and nothing like they actually are and were. On the surface, and in many of our "Pravda" like newspapers, pictures and reporting of them were way more positive than what is actual concerning them. Jesus informs us that such lying leaders are "wolves in sheeps clothing." Yes, be informed about these regarding the real them.

Also be informed about the values God cares about  in people: Examine the Ten Commandments, (Exodus 20:1-17) the Fruit of The Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and The Works of The Flesh.  (Galatians 5:19-21) Or go to my book Rock Solid Living In A Quicksand World-Rewind. Then check out chapter three to evaluate a leaders performance in order to see just how in line they are with a leader that would please God. Be informed about his.

Get the Facts Not The Fluff To Have Enough

As I watch the news, it blows me away to see how CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and CNN simply are not being honest, and they say a lot that gets them a lot of pinocchios. 92% of their reporting regarding President Trump is negative. They also report similarly regarding conservatives. Their audience tends to be left of center and mostly a demographic of left of center democrats. They consistently even say things, that are not true about there competitors.... Fox News Channel.  Yet, when objective researches evaluate all these stations, not only does FNC have the highest ratings, their viewers are demographically 1/3 Democrats, 1/3 Republicans and 1/3 Independents. This means we need to be sure we get the facts from all sources, as we are informed and listen.

Additionally, just because someone is a Rock Star of Movie Star does not make them any smarter than you are or I am. They just have the bigger means of getting their word out. It really is NOT very wise letting their disinformation dominate your thinking. Sure ... consider what they say, but be sure you have listened, as we mentioned, keep informed and Get the facts.

Maintain God's Eternal View of God's Way That He Requires of Me and You.

If you check out the last part of Jesus discussion on who we are to follow, please notice that the "wolves in sheeps" clothing, that Jesus warned about, don't even know Jesus. They certainly did not keep an eye on eternity because they missed out on getting into heaven. Jesus told them, "I never knew you... workers of iniquity." For 30 years I was a Democrat, and then 30 years I was a Republican. I do believe that Republicans tend to have the greater eternal view of things. They are very vocal about religious liberty, pro life and practicing faith. While the Democrats, at one recent convention, didn't know whether or not to put "God" in their platform. They are also pro abortion on demand up to the due date. And a huge government seems to be their God. Their leaders talk mainly about each one having their "own truth."  This simply is not in keeping with God's view. 

Therefore, I am a Christ Follower. I do not follow the Donkey or Dumbo. I follow the Lamb (Jesus), and anyone who resembles what He exemplifies or teaches. And yes I do know that no one is perfect. I believe God's way is the way of our Originalist. God's way does have a right or wrong and we would definitely be safe making God's own moral judgments and fruit inspecting. 

I believe God's way of choosing whom we are to follow is the ONLY way to get a L.I.F.E

Y'all be blessed today, especially 2day.


By the way,  check out to see my video regarding getting a L.I.F.E. You may have to copy and paste it to your URL from this blog,  and get a copy of Rock Solid Living In A Quicksand World-Rewind at your on bookstores: Books A Million, Barnes and Noble, Apple I-tune, and even Amazon.


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