Looking Back To See The Way Forward

Therefore, anyone who hears the words of mine, and puts them into practice, is like a man who built his house upon a rock. The rains came down, the streams rose, the winds blew and beat against the house; yet, it did not fall because it had it's foundations on the rock. But everyone who hears the words of mine, and does not put them into practice, is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain came down. The streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house, and it fell with a great crash.

Matthew 7:24-27

Someone may wonder why I wrote the book Rock Solid Living In A Quicksand World-Rewind. I give a detailed explanation at the beginning of the book. I hope you go to your online bookstores like Barnes and Nobles, Books a Million, Apple- I-tune or even Amazon to get a copy, and I hope you take time tor find the answer; however, I would like to share one very important thought. The USA, and all of Western Civilization are in some serious trouble. I have outlined why in the book.

Here is a brief explanation: Families are breaking apart and being  redefined. Our educational systems are costing more than ever with horrific failing results. Religious institutions need reforming, revitalizing, renewing, reviving or transforming. The Media -- especially the news media -- is polluting our society with bad information or addictive pornographic presentations. Our government agencies are in disarray, and are appropriately labeled "the swamp." Our military has become one unnecessary but huge dysfunctional social experiment, even though it keeps on winning battle after battle. Arts and entertainment should make people blush with shame, but our moral compasses have devolved our ability to even feel shame. Scientist and medical personnel are aborting babies, harvesting their body parts and selling them on the open market. We have forgotten God!

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This is sending  our once moral and Christian nation careening down a slippery sloppy slope of self destruction. Yes, I know that modern revisionist historians want to tell us that we were never a Christian nation, and they want to dilute the clearly Christian foundation of our founders into the quagmire of deism. This is patently false. Check out the quote from Patrick Henry. He really is going out of the way to state "strongly" &  "often" that these United States of America were founded by "Christians," and not a bunch of religionist. He also wants to make it crystal clear that it wasn't founded by just some religion but "on the gospel of Jesus Christ!" The majority of our founding fathers would strongly concur with him.

I Am Talking About More Than M.A.G.A!

I know that we have a political movement that is crying out for us to "Make America Great Again!" I don't see anything wrong with such a goal, however, what I am trying to say is that our hope is in something far more relevant, reverent and even more than a little revolutionary, if not revivalistic. I am talking about, in my book, about America getting itself set on the rock solid foundation of authentic spirituality and grace. I am talking about Making America Godly Again,  through the teachings of Jesus, who is the Christ.  If we do, Jesus is crystal clear what will happen.  We will stand up to anything that storms against us individually, collectively, nationally and culturally. And this power to stand will flow out from America to the rest of the world.  So, in essence, we will moving the world toward greatness again; however, if we fail to do so, we will collapse into a foundation-less culture leading to our soon demise.

Let's choose life! Let's choose to have a foundation! Learn more! Go get a copy of Rock Solid Living in a Quicksand World-Rewind. Let's  make this PRIORITY 1! Let's make this MAGA1. Let's Make America Godly Again! Let's bring a reformation and revival to Planet Earth.

God Bless You.



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