Judging God's Way: The Kavanaugh Story & Jesus' Story

Jesus said, "Be Careful how you judge others. 
For you will indeed be judged by the same standard by which you evaluate others.

I am hoping Christ Followers will follow The Constitution of The United States of America. Why? Because our Creator endowed us with certain unalienable rights.  One of our really foundational principles, found in the Constitution, is this: When making judgment calls about people, In The U.S.A, each one is "Innocent Until Proven Guilty;" otherwise, our republic is in BIG trouble. To convict someone in "The Court of Public Opinion" is "McCarthyism" at best, and a modern day "Inquisition" at worst.  Good people, especially Christians Like Judge Kavanaugh, get slammed when people, especially left of center politicians,  practice trying cases in "The Court of Public Opinion," It is really dangerous to allow such decisions based on mere emotions or beliefs that are not based on fact.
Leave Judge #Kavanaugh out of it for a second: Do you all remember how Jesus was accused, in the court of Public Opinion, brother's and sisters? We say we wouldn't be a part of "THAT" crowd, but some of the comments I see here on Facebook, have "Christian" people, doing just that... Condemning Judge #Kavanaugh without having ANYWAY of knowing what the truth is.
As Jesus tells us above, the judgment God requires is that it be fair. He requires that we judge by the same standard by which we wish to be judged. Just because you believe something, does not make it true. If you don't have ALL the facts, you are placing yourself in a dangerous place, and will be held accountable for it by Almighty God. The only Judgement Jesus condemns is the unfair judgment by which you judge, but you personally do not want to be judged by that same standard yourself. Guess what? You and I WILL be judged exactly by the same standard we judge others. Don't think that we can cry "God have mercy on me" when we have NO mercy on someone else.
So, let me ask you, How many of you would like to be accused of something on National News, and then let politicians and their cohorts decide your fate? The answer to my question is self evident. We would be horrified to find ourselves in such a place; yet, how is it that, people professing to know Christ, on our social media,  are condemning a man precisely this way. Any time you say you believe the accuser, as if that settles it, you have set yourself to be judged by the standard of what others happen to believe or feel about you, without even knowing you. 

Please Let us do our best to make all our judgments fairly. For our own judgments speak loud and clear about how we are asking God to judge us.

Peace Y'all



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