Who Are You: I.D. #2 Living Victoriously
We know that God's children do not make a
practice of sinning;
For God's Son holds them securely, and the
Evil One
Cannot touch them.
1 John 5:18 NLT
Here is the Word of truth that clearly talks about your identity and my identity in Christ . It tells us how this being a God empowered child of God has a life changing impact on us. Get this right in your heart and head, and the devil cannot make you do anything wrong nor defeat you. You just have to believe the truth about who you are; for example, in the last blog, I told you how that receiving Jesus gives you the power of God to be a child of God, and with this power, comes a life change in which your spirit is resurrected and connected with God's spirit. Since you are connected with God's Holy Spirit, you have what the Greek language calls "dynamos" power or dynamite power. The last time I checked, this explosive power has an unusual potentiality for making things happen.
The Supreme Spiritual Influence
So, what is God telling us here that HIS supreme spiritual influence accomplishes in us? First, it is clear we have the power to change our sinning habits. Before Christ, we didn't ever care about sinning, and we did so with repetitious ease and daily fluidity. Now, we don't want to give into temptation, and falling flat into every temptation really bugs our spirits and our souls. In time, we begin to change our sin habits, and we overcome more, if we daily yield ourselves to God. If we do falter and fail, we make our confessions, and God cleanses us and continues to transform us. (1 John 1:9) I actually had to get away from my old toxic friends for a while, and let go while I let God. This made a huge difference.
Babies Don't Start Out Running
It is really important to remember, when you first become a Christ-Follower, you are a baby in Christ. You have more power than you can imagine, as you begin to walk, but like a baby, we start out crawling, then toddling, then walking and then we can run; however, sometimes we do fall, and like a loving parent, who is teaching a baby to learn to walk, God provides a whole lot of love, and HE encourages that child to grow and walk well. This is called growing in grace. As you grow, so will the way you walk the Christian life. You will not make a practice, or a life style, of sinning. Your hearts desire is the one God gave you ... to be an over comer. But you might fall down from time to time.
Jesus Is Holding You: Satan's Forbidden To Touch You
The second thing that is REALLY good news: "God's Son holds you, and the evil one cannot touch you." It is kind of sad that most young baby Christ-Followers don't hear this repeatedly. However, if you submit to God, resist the Devil, Satan has to run away from you. (See James 4:7) He knows he cannot touch you, and he knows he has to flee from you, if you submit to God and resist him. Yet, the liar that he is, will come to the surface and get you to believe that this is not true. Don't believe him.~You are The King's Kid! Sins power over you is broken! The Son of God is holding onto you, and He has you secure! The Devil CANNOT touch you!
Now, go on out and live victoriously today. In Jesus Holy Name!
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