God Help Us!

Dear Christ-Followers,

Recently some rulings were made by the "Supreme Court" of The United Methodist Church that are totally unscriptural, bible phobic and blind.  Here are a few thoughts I have about this:

God still offers His saving, sanctifying (transformational) grace, to all people no matter what sin has them in bondage to sin and death. As Jesus Himself said in John 8:34 committing oneself to sin makes a person a slave to that sinful life style. See also John 8:32, John 8:36 and Galatians 5:1 where the Word offers absolute freedom from slavery to sin and death, through Jesus. I am one such person set free.

And literally millions are experiencing this delivering and saving grace around the world through the ministry and revival taking place in the UMC. Though revival is happening less so in The United States; nevertheless, NO sin is to big to keep God from loving the sinner, forgiving or saving the sinner from any and all sin. And GOD goes one step further. He makes all people who turn from their sins to Christ into New Creations, just like God did for me. (See 2 Corinthians 5:17-21)

Sadly, soon it looks like a huge split is coming in the United Methodist Church... or "Untied" Methodist Church. Yes, I said "Untied." I said this because our unaccountable leaders and those who would follow them, are untied from Scripture. They have become untied from the origins of our Heavenly Parent's designs. They have become untied from the empirical evidence that shows huge numbers of homosexuals have become heterosexual or celibate; meanwhile, they cling to the deceiving psycho-babble pontificated as if it were scientific fact. This babble says people cannot change their sexual orientation. So, they are untied from the authentic experience of thousands of transformed lives; therefore, they are untied from reasonable ... well ... reason.

Additionally, I think schism is upon us and has already begun: Those who are making these toxic decisions are paid huge salaries from the apportionments of the local churches. They are even paid far in excess what most local Pastors of congregations are paid. I don't see churches continuing to spend huge parts of their Sunday Morning offerings, which they give and gave as acts of worship to God, to pay people who don't believe in the power of the gospel to transform human lives. I cannot see the "People Called Methodist" funding people who are intentionally disobeying their vows of ordination. I cannot see money continuing to flow from the bottom up to impart lavish and lascivious lifestyles in violation of God's original design, the Bible and our General Conference Covenant. It's just not reasonable.

I pray for God to have mercy and send the power of the Holy Spirit back onto the UMC, especially in the United States of America.



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