God's Will: The Hold Up.

I will hold you up
With my victorious
Isaiah 41:10d

Somewhere in history a few millenia ago, I remember a story where the Israeli army was in battle, and the man Moses was on a hill watching the battle.  An amazing coincidence occurred, or perhaps it was Divine providence. Every time Moses held his hands up, Israel would defeat the enemy; however, if he tired and dropped his arms, the Israeli Army would begin to lose. It wasn't long before a couple of friends, Joshua and Caleb, realized that God was in this.  So, they came alongside of Moses, and when he tired, they would hold him.  That is they would hold his arms up. It's almost like their touch resulted in God's embrace of Moses.

Sometimes, when life get's full of conflict or challenges, we can give it our best, and we can do all we can.  Sometimes, however, it can get a bit overwhelming.  Sometimes we need to simply quit struggling.  We really do.  Sometimes we need to sit down, settle down (or lie down) be still and just "be." We need to take God at His word and just let Him do what He promises to do.  We need to "just be held" as the song says.  When we do this the victorious one will carry us along and stand with us as we stop to just "be" with God.

Hold on to God as He holds on to you.  Find a friend or two to help you, as they hold you up in prayer.  It's amazing what God can do when His people are willing to go along with His plan. Indeed, it's amazing how victorious we can be when we practice God's spiritual practices.  I really think you will appreciate you letting God hold you up, especially when you cannot do so yourself.



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