Don't Be Afraid
I AM With You.
Being afraid can really take charge of our lives. Being anxious can cause us to keep our minds running and rob us of our peace. Focusing on all the stuff that needs to be done or all the things going on in our lives really can keep our minds spinning. Sometimes it can be downright overwhelming.
Sadly, all too many people think, "I am the only one going through this," which is not true. Or they may think, "What is wrong with me?" To which I answer, "Not a lot is wrong" because, as a Christ Follower, God really is in control. You only need to focus on God being in charge of you and all that is going on in your life. God really will take care of you through Christ our Lord and His blessed Holy Spirit.
Here is something to try that helps: Sit still for ten minutes. Get comfortable. Perhaps put a spiritual symbol, like a Cross, in front of you. Inhale the breath of life that God has given you, and do so slowly holding His breath for 3 or 4 seconds. Then release it slowly. As you release it, simply repeat, with each exhale, the first few words of Isaiah 41:10 by saying:
"Be Still...
Be not afraid ...
God Is right here with me."
Keep practicing this slow deliberate breathing in and out God's breath of life and saying these words repeatedly. If your mind wanders, bring it back to your abiding in God and continue this spiritual practice, again until your ten minutes are up. (It's best to set a timer rather than to keep looking at your watch.) Let go of any thoughts like, "this is stupid" or "you don't have time for this" or any other similar thoughts which are not from God. Just love yourself back into being with God and continue practicing God's presence.
If you want to modify this by taking mini - spiritual vacations (of practising God's presence) throughout the day, do this spiritual practice while on break. If you don't have ten minutes, practice this for five minutes.
Remember what Jesus said, "If you abide in me, and I abide in you, you will bear much fruit."
Now go on out and be blessed 2day ... Especially Today
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