Coping With Being Weary.

Don't get weary from continually doing the right thing.  Eventually, and in God's time, you will reap the harvest, if we just don't give up.
Galatians  6:9

Doing the right thing is the right thing to do; however, sometimes, being a person of character can take a lot of time, talent, treasure and energy of which we have what we feel is in short supply. This is especially true, when we see a whole lot of doing that is far from right, and is even wrong; meanwhile, those who do such wrong seem to prosper and be in health. And they may even be a bit vindictive and hurtful toward you as your seek to be what is best.  As a matter of fact, we can become downright weary at times.

Paul encourages you and me to never give up.  He sets up a picture of us preparing a garden or a field.  Anyone who has worked on a farm, or  in their garden,  knows what it takes to plow, plant, prepare the soil and other things.  As time goes by we know the battle of the weeds, the water, the weather, the varmints and the hungry animals who would eat the harvest. The heat can be oppressive and acquiring hope, during difficulties, can be hard.  Yup! The laws of seed time and harvest or sowing and reaping make for definite life challenges.

However, the one thing that keeps the gardener or farmer going is faith in the harvest to come and in THE ONE who makes it come: So, though the harvest has not yet come, the one doing the sowing, sweating and seeking is also living by faith in "The Lord of  The Harvest."  And this is key to being an overcomer.  Yes, we do so.  Yes, we do water.  Yes, we do fertilize. Yes, we do cultivate.  And, YES, we do keep on keeping on as we garden, because it is not ALL up to us.  For God makes it all grow.

So, as you find yourself seeking to be about the Father's business and do the right thing daily, don't give up.  Cast your eyes on the Creator -- who writes His laws on your heart and puts them in your mind, as He makes you His NEW Creation!  Let Go! Let God! Trust God!  He is the Lover of your soul.  AND He IS the Lord of the Harvest. Keep on Keeping on and you WILL reap -- at the right moment, the right time and the right season -- as you have righteously sown. Never give up! God's got this.



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