Advent 2: P.E.A.C.E

Image result for Advent Candles in pictures with labeling
Image result for picture of praying hands
We continue Advent 2 with another acrostic:  Before I fill this one out, I think I need to first define this word.  Why? I define it because I am not certain everyone actually knows this definition.  Also, I am defining it because, in other cultures, the acrostic may lose it's clarity due to differences in languages.  At any rate, acrostic is defined as a poem, word puzzle or composition in which each letter in line forms a word or words.   Such is the case in the word P.E.A.C.E.  For our purposes today, this word is equal to Praying Expecting Almighty Controls Everything.  I made this up myself within the last couple of years to help me practice P.E.A.C.E.  Notice the P stands for Praying.
Prayer is a vital part of experiencing peace from The Prince of Peace during Advent and any other time of the year.  Peace comes when we pray by casting all our cares on the Lord knowing that He cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7.)  Praying helps us to release our burdens.  Some of my African American brothers and sisters use to tell me when I served as a Pastor for a black congregation, "Chaplain if you turn it over to Jesus He will work it out."  They are right.  I have also heard people pray for world peace, as in the absence of war, and as in the presence of inner balance.  Prayer has this kind affect.  One life changing prayer I recommend to you before we move on is the Serenity Prayer created by Reinhold Niebuhr. Check it out:
Image result for Picture of entire Serenity Prayer
Try praying this prayer, prayerfully, daily  consistently for yours and you. I think you might just be surprised, during this hectic season, and during any challenging time in you life just how  amazing the peace dividend your spirit, soul and body will experience.
The Bible teaches in Hebrews 11 that Faith is the certainty of things hoped for and it is the proof of things we do not seeThis same Hebrew writer also adds, a few verses later, that those who come to God [In Prayer] must "believe" that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. You don't have to stretch your imagination much to realize that when we pray, if we pray for the affect of peace effectively, that we need to expect God to answer. If you pray for something about something or because of something, expecting God to intervene, as the Hebrew writer says, is a MUST. You are not being arrogant fully anticipating that God answers prayer.  God answers your prayers.
Image result for Picture of Almighty God
Prayer and Expectancy has to have a faith object.  It is NOT true that just believing, as much of our 21st God studies teach, is enough. It is NOT true that we can sincerely believe and something will happen.  Why not? Well, if you are sincerely believing the wrong thing or in the wrong thing, you will be sincerely wrong.  And if you are sincerely wrong, you will be spouting words, inhaling and exhaling air, but you will not be getting any answers. It is absolutely imperative to believe in the one who is Almighty.  Everything about this true and living God is full of All might. When we release our concerns Expectantly to Almighty  (the ONE who is ALL MIGHT) in prayer, we are well on our way to a miracle of peace filled living.
To control or not control that is the question.  Perhaps one of the biggest detriments to maintaining a peaceful mindset is related to whether or not we appropriately control things or not.  Really stressed out people will try to control things only God can control or they will relinquish control when the control is well within their power to do so.  Over control would include trying to control what people do, control what people think, control what people feel, control what people want or even try to control their dreams.  
There is a psychological term called the pygmalion project.  This is exemplified when one person tries to form another person into the image they want them to be.  Not many people like being anyone's pygmalion project.  One example of this would be of a young couple, highly conflicted,  are about to get married.  I remember asking a young lady what she was going to do about all these differences.  Her response was, "When we get married I will change him."  REALLY?  Changing people is  God's "job."  There will be NO peace when we try to control the uncontrollable.
Under Control is exemplified when a person is given a task by God, a boss or themselves in order to accomplish the goal. Moses was used to work miracles, but he didn't work the miracles.  God worked them; however, God expected Moses to do something with his Rod; for example, he was to lay it down or hold it up.  He was to place it in water.  Moses did other things with the stick, and it seemed odd that he had to do those little things before God would do God's big things. If Moses had not done his little things, if he had undercontrolled the things in life,  things within his power to do, miracles would NOT have occurred.  Moses controlled what was his to control and God controlled God's stuff.
It's the same way when we under control things:  We may have a task and it is reasonable. It is also expected most humans could perform this task; however, the one who is responsible refuses to take responsibility,  and they do not do the necessary things to accomplish the goals.  Many times this under control happens when the person who is responsible just "sits down on the job" and lets life happen.  This also does NOT produce peace.  Most likely the opposite will occur.
Effective prayer,  with the positive affect of peace,  involves you or me letting go and letting God.  It especially means letting go of what is God's to control and controlling that which God would have us control. God is still in control; however, get this wrong and it will be very long before you or I sing and live the song of peace.  The Serenity Prayer includes a request that God uses to help sort all this out.  First we pray for serenity to accept the things we cannot change. Second,  we ask for courage to change the things we can.  Third, we pray God give us the wisdom to know the difference.  Or we pray God give us the wisdom to know what we can change and what we cannot change.  More to the point, we pray God give us wisdom to know what we can control and what we cannot control.  When we pray expecting Almighty to be in control, that's when peace filled things are well on their way to being a part of our lives. You are not the master of your own fate nor am I,  and if you try to be the ultimate master you will NOT be peaceful.  Let God do what is God's responsibility and you do yours as you pray to the one who is Almighty.
Peace comes to us when we Pray Expecting Almighty Controls Everything:  As I watch the news each day, it seems the whole world is on fire. I have observed people expressing real fear, anxiety and concern regarding the state of things. I have also read the Bible and observed how all the prophecies are coming true every single day that we live. Believe it or not, all these upheavals possess some really potentially powerful power and peace for us. They do so because the news we read about or hear about all reflect the prophecies Jesus, Moses, and all the others prophesied.  Don't let fear, anxiety nor doubt get the best of you. Understand the truth of God, as found in Ephesians 1:11.  God works out EVERYTHING according to THE plan and brings EVERYTHING with the purpose of HIS will.. God has THE plan, and we are a part of The plan. We don't create the plan.  Nor do we make the plan  work.  That's God's "job." Never forget that   God has "got your back."
Let me give you a daily challenge: Determine you will practice the spiritual practice of prayer in your pursuit of peace every single day.  P:  Pray   E: Expecting  A: Almighty C: Controls  E: Everything.   This works for me. I believe it will work for you.



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