On July 20, 27 and 28, I posted 3 blogs on how Jesus told us to “WATCH OUT!”
Jesus did so to caution us when we privileged Americans select our leaders. I hope you will scroll down on this blog and view the three blogs excerpted from my book Rock-Solid Living In A Quicksand World. In these blogs, I talk about how Jesus describes leaders who are “Wolves in Sheeps Clothing!”This blog today, adapted from, is the most relevant reason I will NOT vote for a person like Ms. Clinton who favors pure infanticide.
I remember when Roe Vs. Wade was decided, and I also know how the judges were guided by the principle of when a “fetus” would be viable. Based on the premise of “viability” the majority “approved” Roe Vs. Wade. Now Ms. Clinton, nor her DNC platform, even care if the baby is viable. She only cares about a right that is NOT in The Constitution … the right to take a human life, even up to the due date. Actually the constitution tells us we are endowed by our Creator with certain “unalienable rights.” It even names them as “LIFE, LIBERTY and The Pursuit of Happiness.”
If you read Psalm 139:13- 18 you will see how, the Creator created our inmost being. You will see how the Creator actually knits us together in our Mother’s womb. The Creator actually “knew us” when we were “woven together in the secret place” of our Mother and Dad’s union. The Creator actually saw us in our “unformed” or completely undeveloped baby bodies. (All references are from the NIV translation of the Bible.) You see the child is indeed endowed with the right of “life.”
Ms. Clinton is nothing like the young women and men whom I know who tearfully and painfully considered abortion. These young people approached abortion with the attitude of this being a very grave and difficult decision. These young people actually were concerned what God thinks about this: Ms. Clinton is just the opposite: She is cavalier and without conscience.
The Ultimate Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
As Christ-Followers should know, and therefore vote accordingly, it is nearly impossible to exaggerate how extreme or radical Hillary Clinton is on abortion. Her stand on abortion is completely disconcerting to reasonable thinking people. It is simply hard to believe how all-encompassing is her embrace of the ideology of the most militant fringe of the abortion movement.
According to, here areTEN Ways Secretary Clinton has freely expressed her undying devotion to the taking of innocent lives EVEN UP TO THE DAY OF DELIVERY! And she “demands” this so called “right” at home and abroad. Not only is this true, but she wants you and me, the American taxpayers to foot the bill. Again, I thank the folks at for their in depth research:
1) The unborn never has any rights, including up to “just hours before delivery.” In April, Chuck Todd, onMeet the Press, asked Clinton: “When, or if, does an unborn child have constitutional rights?” She answered, “Well, under our laws currently, that is not something that exists. The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.”
Two days later Paula Faris (of The View) was able to ask a follow up question. “And Secretary, I want to ask you about some comments that you made over the weekend on Meet the Press regarding abortion. You said, quote, ‘the unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.’ My question is at what point does someone have constitutional rights, and are you saying that a child, on its due date, just hours before delivery still has no constitutional rights? Clinton responded, “Under our law, that is the case, Paula. I support Roe v Wade.”
2) Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Planned Parenthood, the first time the nation’s largest abortion provider endorsed a Democrat in the primary. In an interview with Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, Clinton vowed her allegiance to preventing pro-life bills from becoming laws. “I want to be that president that will say, ‘Forget about it. Don’t waste your time; you know you’re not getting past me.’” She received a last-minute six-figure media buy from the abortion provider just days ahead of the Iowa caucuses, which she narrowly eked out a win.
3) Hillary Clinton calls for ending the Hyde Amendment.
By conservative estimates, the pro-life Hyde Amendment, first enacted in 1976, has saved over a million lives. In lockstep, the 2016 platform of the Democratic National Committee, for the first time, called for ending this annually enacted law that prohibits federal Medicaid funding for abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.Clinton would make expanding federal funding for abortion a major priority in the White House. Clinton’s own website states “there is no more important issue than defending reproductive rights (a.k.a. abortion).’
4) “Religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” to expand abortion. In April 2015, in a speech to the Women in the World Conference, Clinton argued, “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care (aka. abortion) and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced,” In order to expand worldwide access to abortion, she suggested that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
On her webpage we learn this is nothing new for Clinton: “At the UN 4th Conference on Women in China, Clinton affirmed that “it is a violation of human rights when women are denied the right to plan their own families.”
In case anyone had missed the point, in a video message this past May to the Women Deliver conference in Copenhagen, Clinton called for renewed efforts to “break down the barriers holding back women and girls around the world” and stated, “Gender equality, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, must be a core priority.”
5) Clinton attacks bill to protect unborn babies from painful late abortions.
In May 2015, the U.S. House passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to protect unborn babies 20 weeks and older from excruciating late abortions. In addition to a statement slamming House lawmakers for advancing the bill, Clinton tweeted, “When it comes to women’s health, there are two kinds of experts: women and their doctors. True 40+ years ago, true today.” Poll after poll shows a majority of Americans support such legislation, including a majority of women. Clinton chooses to ignore the substantial medical and scientific evidence that shows unborn babies are capable of feeling pain by 20 weeks after fertilization, if not earlier. It is well-documented
6) Clinton calls abortion a “fundamental human right.” At a presidential forum held this year at Drake University, Clinton called ending the life of another human being a “fundamental human right.” Tearing unborn babies apart, limb from limb, is just the opposite–it is a violation of the fundamental right of every human person to life.
7) Clinton attacked state-level efforts to enact commonsense protections for unborn children and their mothers. Clinton’s campaign called the flurry of pro-life bills introduced in state legislatures the last few years “a dangerous trend.” Her campaign complained, “In just the first three months of 2015, more than 300 bills have been introduced in state legislatures — on top of the nearly 30 measures introduced in Congress — that restrict access to abortion.” Among the measures being discussed on the state level are bills dealing with unborn pain, dismemberment abortions, informed consent, parental involvement, and webcam abortions.
8) Clinton has pledged to appoint to the Supreme Court only people “who believe that Roe v. Wade is settled law.” The next president will nominate as many as three, possibly four women and men to fill vacancies on our nation’s highest court. The prospect of those jurists being chosen by an abortion extremist like Hillary Clinton is frightening.
9) Clinton will defend Planned Parenthood no matter what and work to steer even more federal money into PPFA’s coffers.
After the stomach-churning undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials discussing the harvesting and pricing of aborted baby body parts, Clinton stood firm in support of the abortion provider. She went as far as to say, “I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood.” At a campaign event in South Carolina, she lamented, “I think it is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years.”
10) Clinton likened pro-life Americans to terrorists
“Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world, but it’s a little hard to take from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States,” Clinton said at a campaign event in Ohio on August 27, 2015.
When you combined “legal only in a few circumstances” (37%) with illegal in all circumstances (19%)–you have 56% who say abortion should not be legal at all or (to quote Gallup) “should generally be rare, occurring in only a few circumstances.”Significantly, only 29% support abortion under any circumstances. Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics.
Closing Comment:
As a young man, I saw an abortion. Actually I saw the results of one of the first abortions done in the early 1970’s. The “specimen” in the bottle was labeled “Uterine Cuttings.” Now later, when I served as a Military Chaplain, I saw some horrifically wounded young men and one woman. The tortuous tearing of their bodies – as the result of war – would make weaker people become nauseous. But of all the things that still cause me emotional distress, nothing hurts me more than the image of what I call “the baby in the bottle.” Even today, decades later, to see the baby decapitated with it’s arms and legs ripped from its torso can cause nightmares. And this was a first trimester “abortion.”
Yet, today, we have a person, who is running for the lofty position of President of The United States of America, who is a cheerleader for the aborting babies during the ninth month. She supports the premise to breach a 9 month baby in it’s mother’s womb. She favors this “procedure” that turns the babyface down (with it’s head still in the birth canal.) She actually supports the barbarism of having the baby’s feet pulled outside the mother, and then so called medical professional snips the baby’s spinal cord, with a scissor like instrument, at the base of the baby’s skull to kill it. She fully favors partial birth abortion. And she cheers on Planned Parenthood. Ms. Clinton wants to have “We the people.” to fund these barbaric procedures. She supports these people who seem to have NO conscience (Planned Parenthood) fully knowing about how they were caught red handed selling baby parts of those very babies they killed on their due dates.
Oh yes she looks “good.” She has crowds of abortion rights advocates and leftward leaning politicians following her. She is indeed a slick politician. She talks about how she is a good “Methodist,” even though the United Methodist Church just voted at its General Conference (the decision making entity for the UMC) to favor pro-life and NOT abortion. She talks about being a “Christian.” But if you examine her “fruit” as Jesus said we Christ-Followers should do, you will see she is more like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I am Independent. Formerly I was a democrat. I also was a Republican: Please don’t vote the party my Christ-Follower friends. As Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece (Dr. Alveda King) recently said, “Don’t vote the party. Vote the Platform.” And the DNC Platform supports abortion on demand at ALL stagesof a woman’s pregnancy. The Republican platform is pro-life. As Christ-Followers, we should not support the donkey or the elephant. We should indeed follow the Lamb. And He who told us to bring the children to Him — because the children are the essence of which God’s Kingdom is made — would clearly NOT stand for the unholy and barbarous stuff of what the donkey is dropping on our culture. He would not kill little children who can easily live outside the mother’s womb.
We will all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ someday. At least this is what the Apostle Paul tells us. I am certain this judgment will be considered in regards to the unholy foundation on which Ms. Clinton positions herself. Don’t support her. Don’t join her. Such a foundation will leave you sinking in quicksand.
What IF I Have Had An Abortion? There IS Forgiveness and Healing.
If you have an abortion please know this. Abortion is a sin; however, like all sins, you can be forgiven. Listen to what John says to you today: “If you confess your sin, HE is faithful and just to forgive you of your sin, and He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Don’t be drowned in guilt and shame. Use David’s classical prayer where he sought forgiveness: (Psalm 51) Let Jesus, who paid the debt for all our sins, forgive you by telling Him you are sorry and meaning every word of it. HE WILL FORGIVE YOU.
Please VOTE! And as The Holy Spirit Guides you, be sure to choose for all to have their own Creator given constitutional rights of Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.
God Bless You!
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