
Shining The Light On A Small Part of Islam 
And It's Sharia Law

As I sit here at my computer, I am reflecting on Orlando and the most horrific murderous act committed on American soil since September 11, 2001.  What could motivate a human being to murder 50 something people and wounded many others?  Was he insane?  Was it just evil taking him over?  Or was it motivated by his view of  a god and what that god requires?

I think the answer is all of the above:  How can anyone do such a thing without being insane?  How can it not be evil, at least that's what my Christian faith teaches. Evil, in english, is the opposite of live. Spell live backwards, in english, and you get evil.  Jesus says it this way, "The thief (the devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy.  By the way, in english, Devil is the opposite of lived. So, I guess what I am saying is that whatever or whoever destroys innocent life is motivated by evil or even an evil entity like the Devil, whether they realize it or not. Think about it. There had to be something resembling the demonic residing inside his tortured or spiritually problematically textured brain. And he also made it clear that his god made him do it, and the law founded by this god of his.  

How could his god do this?  And how could the law of this god demand such a thing? Good questions.  Good questions indeed. You see, this "man" pledged his allegiance to ISIS, and this organization has a law that undergirds or underpins its being. It is called Sharia Law, and  Sharia Law says women can't be allowed to go to school. Women are not allowed to drive a car.  Women are not allowed to go out in public without their husband. If they do go out with their husband, they must walk behind him, and they must be fully covered. Women are the man's property.  Women are not allowed to vote. If they are raped, the Sharia makes it impossible for them to defend themselves.  I think they must have two male witnesses to the rape before they can defend themselves against a man they have accused. (Talk about a war on women!)  

Now to the real issue at hand: As we continue dealing with this Sharia Law, it is also clear that a so called "true Muslim, " in Sharia law,  must kill Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexuals and Transgender people. This man bought into all of this,  when he pledged his allegiance to ISIS. And ISIS is a part of Islam.

In many Islamic countries, there are Madrasas.  And in these Madrasas (boy schools) they are taught to be expert in Sharia Law from the time they are very little ones.  It is drilled into their hearts and minds every day of their lives.  When they go to Mosque, these extremist hear the same thing until it permeates their entire being. They are also told to hate Americans, Christians, Jews, other Muslims who disagree with them, and ALL other religions. They call us infidels.  Convert them or kill them is their rule for life. The same is true for how they view atheist or agnostics. So, in a nutshell, Sharia Law becomes a part of the fabric of their minds and or DNA. This man actually thought that what he was doing was/is holy and right.

So, there, you have it. Yes he did all this because of the hatred he had inside himself.  But his hatred was based on his sanity (or lack thereof, ) the evil within and the law that governs his life.  And these people have declared war on us wherever we are.   Refusing to acknowledge this will only make matters worse.  When we did acknowledge that these Islamist did indeed declare war on us,shortly after September 11, 2001, we decided we were in a global war on terror. Fewer people were injured on our streets. Infact there were NO attacks on American soil after 911. Now our leaders do not acknowledge this religious bigotry against us all, and they are playing into people like this man's playbook.



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