Refuge Two: Jesus' Antidote For Fear

Therefore, we will not fear ...
David: Psalm 46:2a

      I don't know how many times Jesus said, "don't be afraid,"  But it was a lot: One of those times that He said it was when He came walking on the water and they thought He was a ghost.  Now if I imagined seeing a ghost, I am fairly certain that my fear factor would go through the roof.  Research shows me that the phrase "Don't be afraid" is stated more than any other phrase in the Bible, especially in the New Testament.  Fear can be a really big deal.  I know this to be true from some very real life and death experiences.
     Jesus left us His antidote for fear in a passage related to death and dying.  Public speaking, I am told is the number one greatest fear, but fear of death is number two.  At any rate, here is what Jesus said to people who were facing His death head on, and who were very afraid of the storms He told them were coming: "Peace I leave with you.  My peace I give to you, and it is not like the kind of peace the world gives."  (See John 14:27.)  If you read the context of this passage, you will see the thing that makes His peace different from the world's peace.  His peace gives us the power to keep our hearts from being troubled or "afraid."  The key to achieving this peace gift, is to take it by faith.  Receive it believe it. Hold on tight to God and God's promises.  Focus your thinking on Him and on His promise.

     Now David, though He journeyed on planet Earth BC (Before Christ), stated exactly why a person could therefore decide to not be afraid.  He made it clear how a person could focus themselves so that they could unequivocally believe "we will not fear."  He said, "Therefore," we will not fear.  Yes, David did look forward to the coming of the Messiah and His promises.  But he also looked to the undergirding truth that provided him with a life of "NO FEAR! Anytime you hear the word "therefore" you need to look backwards and ask the question Why? You all know that "therefore" means "considering what I just said."  Well, what did David just say?  I am glad you asked.

    He said, "God IS."  "God IS our refuge."  God IS the essence of our strength.  God is always present with us.  God is especially with us in times when trouble comes ... aka those very scary times. God is also the one who leaves we who are Christ-Followers even more still.  God leaves us peace.  And God leaves us the kind of peace that offers us the power to intentionally declutter our hearts from trouble and take away our fears. David even was empowered to have NO FEAR during earthquakes and tsunamis; therefore, to have the benefit that comes from God's antidote, we must partake God's own spiritual potency through Jesus, by the power of The Holy Spirit and by faith.  Believe in Jesus. Believe in the truth God gives us: Receive Jesus, His Holy Spirit's power and His promises. Focus the locus of your focus on the one who will deliver you. Focus on the promise and problem solver of fear. Take the antidote for fear.  Drink freely from God's cup. Then ...

Be Blessed 2day ... Especially Today



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