Jesus Quotes: His MOST Controversial One

I AM The Way The Truth and The Life.
No one comes to The Father
Unless They Come Through

     So Jesus is having a conversation with  his grieving disciples, and he has done all he can to comfort them.  Just check out John 14:1-27 to get the whole story.  He is encouraging them that they don't have to let their hearts be troubled.  Neither do they have to let them be afraid. He gives them the remedy for their troubles and their fears.  He explains it as simply as possible.  He says, "Believe in God and believe also in me."  Then he tells them about some dwellings that he is going to make for them, and that he will one day come back and get them.  He explains he does so in order that where he is in Heaven, they will also be.  Then the questions come:  Thomas asks the first one -- the only one we will address in todays blog: "Lord how can we know the way?"  In response to Thomas, Jesus declares this highly controversial but absolutely true truth. He answers and  He speaks these words mentioned above in John 14:6.

     I can't tell you how many times, in a pluralistic setting, how this passage is completely ignored or expunged from the conversation. And when a Christ-Follower does seem to be able to talk about these words of Jesus,  I have seen this statement, and the one mentioning it, derogatorily derided. Indeed, whoever would quote Jesus on this would become a target of some serious verbal abuse for "being so narrow minded or bigoted." They may even be described -- interestingly enough in hate filled terms -- as "haters."
I have even seen clerics in their collars or 3 piece suits getting red in the face and really becoming angry at the mere mention of these twenty words.

     Conversely, I have seen people who would receive Jesus and this quote of his by faith.  I have seen them except it as a simple little child.  I have observed them just take him at his word. I did and I do.  And even though these who believe in God and have chosen to believe in Jesus,  had lived a sinful and broken life, they found peace, renewal, hope and transformation for which they expressed eternal gratification. 

     Is Jesus really The Way?   Is Jesus really The Truth?  Is Jesus really The life?  Can we take him at his word that, no one can get to the heavenly Father except they pass through him? What if it were true, and yet I would choose NOT to believe it?  Then I would be choosing to believe something that would cost me everything. If God Almighty indeed gave us THE path back to Him, and yet we refused to take the path, that would be completely insane.  Even worse, if I knew the way to God, the truth about God, and if I knew how to lead people to eternal life, but did not share it for fear of repercussions against me, what kind of a Christ-Follower would I be? 

     Let me give you a personal invitation.  Let me show you, in answer to Thomas' question,  the WAY to your loving Heavenly Creator ... he is Jesus.  Let me tell you the truth that will set your free ... he is Jesus.  Let me show you the one has come to give you life and to give it to you eternally and fully ... he is Jesus.  Turn from your brokenness, pain, sin, sorrow, abuse and or shame.  Turn around and look to the one who will save you now and forever! Believe in him.  Receive him and ... 

Be truly blessed 2day ... Especially today.



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